R | 11 May 2001 (USA)
Replicant Trailers

Scientists create a genetic clone of a serial killer in order to help catch the killer, teaming up with two cops.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
adonis98-743-186503 Scientists create a genetic clone of a serial killer in order to help catch the killer, teaming up with two cops. Replicant boasts another terrific and strong perfomance from Jean Claude Van Damme and this time? in both sides of the coin. I mean i love the shy and also pretty dangerous clone but i also very much enjoyed the bad psychotic murderer role as well. Michael Rooker was also very good in his role as well. If you enjoyed seeing the double Arnie's from The 6th Day (2000) you're going to love this fast paced action thriller as well.... (10/10)
Ross622 Ringo Lam's "Replicant" is a movie with a really lame title that turns into a very lame movie and I happen to be very lucky that I haven't seen many boring action movies. The movie stars Jean-Claude Van Dammewho plays the replicant whose purpose is to track down a serial killer named Edward Garrotte (also played by Van Damme) with the help of two cops. One of them being Detective Jake Riley (Michael Rooker) who has been tracking down Garrotte for three years and now more than ever because his family is at risk. When the replicant meets the serial killer the battle stunts are so pathetic it's like they're pretending to play a superhero video game, Ringo Lam's direction is so pathetic and the screenplay by Lawrence Riggins and Les Weldon is one of the worst screenplays ever to be executed on film in motion picture history. If I were a cop several years from now and I was looking for a killer I definitely wouldn't want to clone him only because this movie was so god awful it is one of the biggest pieces of cinematic garbage that it can take up a lot of space in a sanitary landfill for bad movies only if only there was one.
pete I think we can never wait an A+ movie from the Belgian martial arts star. But between all those weak movies he made after his only one chance period, this is a big-good-surprise. Maybe it's Ringo Lam the answer or maybe Van Damme realized, that he must turn his character in a better way. I don't know but Replicant works for me. Okay I was a big fan of JCVD in the '90s. And I always hoped maybe Tarantino will bring him back to the top 10. The Replicant is not a typical Van Damme movie. He plays a double role like in Double Team but the story is much better than in 1990. It's not perfect there are typical B-movie parts and we can clearly see here is nothing to do with Hollywood. In his way with the good(!!!) acting of JCVD and Michael Rooker Replicant goes higher than we can imagine. Van Damme's double character is good enough. Action comes with the evil side and feelings and a lot of things more with the "clone". Some parts of the movie are really good. Especially when Rooker punishes Van Damme in the basement. A really good scene!!! So, maybe You like him, maybe not give him a chance! It's worth to see and wonder how can a B-movie star climbing near to the top of the Hollywood mountains.
DigitalRevenantX7 Plot Synopsis: Police officer Jake Riley retires from the force after unsuccessfully trying to catch a serial killer known as the Torch. He then joins the National Security Force, an agency that has created a clone of the Torch. Riley joins forces with the clone in order to catch the killer.Ever since the disaster that was "Universal Soldier: The Return", Jean-Claude Van Damme's career has gone into a tailspin. Now all his films have gone DTV. Which is a shame since his films have gotten a lot better. With "Replicant", Van Damme teams up with Hong Kong director Ringo Lam, who had previously done "Maximum Risk" with Van Damme starring.The film takes the serial killer genre & adds cloning to the mix, using the silly notion that a clone can develop a telepathic link with the original. Although this does not matter too much since the idea is used to form the basis for a pretty good character-driven story. Van Damme tries to play the villain as best he can, but looks unconvincing with his mumbling & bad sunglasses. But he excels as the clone, playing with a mix of childish innocence & blank stupidity that surprisingly works. Michael Rooker is cast as the hero of the piece & tries to do it good but fails to engage, instead becoming the real villain of the film with his bad attitude. Unlike other Van Damme films, the action has been toned down considerably.