Miracle Mile
Miracle Mile
R | 19 May 1988 (USA)
Miracle Mile Trailers

After 30 years of searching, Harry has finally met the girl of his dreams. Unfortunately, before they even have a chance to go on their first date, Harry intercepts some chilling news: WWIII has begun and nuclear missiles will destroy Los Angeles in less than an hour!

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Wordiezett So much average
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Burkettonhe This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.
sbowesuk As a fan of apocalyptic movies, I had hope for this, however it turned out to be a real letdown. My main issue with the film was with Steve De Jarnatt's terrible writing, especially with how the main characters were written. The protagonist Harry Washello was a posterboy in what NOT to do during a crisis. He constantly wasted valuable time, failed to communicate effectively with key people around him, and repeatedly separated himself from Julie. Every time he irrationally did one of these things, he predictably made his situation far more difficult. As for Julie, she was mindblowingly passive and accepting of events around her, being nothing more than a damsel/MacGuffin for Harry to find, drag around, lose, then repeat. I honestly questioned if she was mentally disabled at times.One scene which underlines just how ridiculous this movie is, was the part with the shopping cart. So after Harry finds Julie asleep in bed and somehow fails to wake her up, he carries her out of bed, out of the entire building, dumps her in a shopping cart, and starts wheeling her through the city. Astoundingly none of this wakes her up. Eventually she wakes up, and what's her reaction? "Oh hi Harry. Are you taking me to go on a balloon ride?". Woman, you literally just woke up in a shopping cart in the middle of the city (after falling asleep in bed), and you're not even slightly alarmed?? No human being would react this way. Suffice it to say, scenes like that really underlined just how detached from reality Steve De Jarnatt was as a writer/director. The movie was littered with nonsensical elements. Such things didn't even pass as comical, since the movie wasn't self aware and chose to take itself very seriously. Personally I found the film very frustrating to watch, and am astounded to see so many rating it with 10 stars. For me, this was a solid 4/10, and that's being generous.
freecine This resourceful film is affecting and romantic in the most literal way and manages to be so against the backdrop of a nuclear attack. Neon lit and increasingly tense, ignore the few rough edges and you will be rewarded with an absolutely unique experience, if only more genre films were as original and sincerely offbeat as this.
tgchan 7.0/10 from 5,683 users, good enough for me. The real treat here is the plot. A young man hears a chance phone call telling him that a nuclear war has started and missiles will hit his city in 70 minutes. Sounds greats~! Let's see if it is well worth the 7/10 rating.22 minutes – and it's hard to write anything particular about it. It's not boring and the action is about to start now, we'll see how it goes from here 32 minutes – oh boy~! It's happening~! What would you do, if you would know that the nuclear war was about to happen in a very short time!? Definitely amazing idea for a film. The action has already started and it's super interesting with a great amount of pressure in the air 39 minutes – I love it~! + it's funny where it needs to be as well~!DISAPPOINTED~! I hoped for so much more and it failed miserably. Waste of time. It was not utterly bad, but definitely not worth my time.tgchan's rating: 5 /10
Dan Mcgarry OK - here's the spoiler: Anthony Edwards is chicken little, and by answering a pay phone's wrong number, he is told that the missiles are on their way. His announcement to everyone he meets that WWIII is starting sets off panic in the streets,rioting and pillaging, and half way through the film, he finally asks himself the obvious question: "How do I know this is really happening? What if that wrong number was just a prank? Am I the boy who cried wolf?" Finally he goes to a pay phone and dials the number correctly to find out the truth. From that moment on, it's no longer a joke... Starts off as a boy meets girl love story. Turns into a roller coaster ride of second guessing, and ends with a bang.