Circuitry Man
Circuitry Man
R | 01 May 1990 (USA)
Circuitry Man Trailers

In a future where most humans have moved underground to escape the pollution, one of the few pleasures left is a kind of narcotic in the form of chips which can be plugged directly into the brain. Lori, a female body guard steals a case of such chips and flees underground Los Angeles with Danner, a pleasure android so that they can smuggle the chips to New York. In pursuit is Plughead, a dangerous criminal so named because of the many sockets and ports which decorate his scalp so that he can test and use the chips that he is after.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Gregorso Although the cover art is reminiscent of a kooky social satire in the vein of Terry Gilliam's Brazil, Circuitry Man is not that. We see so many mega-budget films that are so uninspired, that it always brings a smile to my face to see a low-budget film that rises to the challenge and is actually entertaining. The characters are interesting, from Juice (a big woman who breaks easily) to Yo-Yo (who changes allegiances back and forth) to Plughead (I didn't recognize him from The Road Warrior.) and there's the mechanic and the big tough guy in the oxygen bar...It's by no means a classic, but it's fun and deserves respect for what it accomplishes, given what they had to work with.
hightide For a button budget, the imagination really shows. Great B casting, great B acting. Very colorful characters, every looks like they're having fun. One of my favorites for this genre. The DVD even has a Filmmakers commentary. The 2nd one, while not nearly as tight clever, does have Deborah Shelton go topless.
Brian Ellis Being relatively new to the genre of the psychotronic film, I was a little unsure what to expect with this film. A when the movie channel warned of graphic violence, I got even a little more nervous. What were they thinking? Take away a couple of f bombs and you've got a PG movie. As a matter of fact, why would anyone want this to be rated R? The target audience should be kids under 16 and me. Yeah I liked this movie. I liked how the filmmakers got around the fact that this was a low budget movie by coming up with ideas that nimbly sidestepped the issue but without taking away from the science fiction theme. I liked the exuberant performances of Vernon Wells and Dennis Christopher. I liked the cynical performance of Paul Willson (who to me will always be the Bonanza theme song guy from "Cheers"). And I liked the fact that this film at no point took itself seriously but never winked at the camera. Show this film and "Buckaroo Banzai" to your teenage kids tonight.
bharris After seeing this film, I did not want my money back. I wanted my TIME back. I wanted that hour and a half back in my life - it was the most amazing, hideous torture to know that I had squandered precious minutes of my life on this dreck. I am scarred for life, and ever since this "film" entered my life I have had trouble sleeping. I am trying to suppress the memories, really I am. . . but they make me want to burn things.