PG-13 | 14 November 1986 (USA)
Willy/Milly Trailers

Milly is annoyed whenever her mom tells her to behave more appropriate for a girl. She's just not interested in fancy dresses or prom dances. Some day her best friend's little brother offers her a potion which can make her deepest wish come true during a solar eclipse. She goes through with it and ends up with male genitals, additionally. So she has to decide if she wants to life as boy or girl. Her father, who always wanted a son, supports her in checking out life as a boy. Hence Milly changes school and starts out as Willy.

Steineded How sad is this?
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
annevejb I have not come across many transgender stories in feature films. Transamerican and XXY are both fairly serious, reminiscent of the novels of such as Julie Anne Peters. Also, XXY as a subject that is close to transgender rather being solidly part of it. Mrs Doubtfire as definitely not a transgender story, though it is what many understand to be transgender??? Could be that Doubtfire is transgendered without being aware of it or being able to admit it? I find that there are a lot of insidious pressures towards gender change being hidden.Willy Milly, my UK DVD gives Something Special as the title, is not serious. It is strongly in the tradition of male to female fantasy stories, except those typically have the male to female ending up as permanently female. Here the story was written by someone likely born as a male and ends with the female to male happily ending up back as female. The qualities of maleness, crude, cave man, for how Willy is taught fit the genre: It does not line up with how many of the males actually are. Memories of the transition scene in She's The Man (2006), and how most of the males actually are in that story. If Willy Milly had been written by a female to male it would be rather different.I experience the story as really okay. Fun escapist nonsense. My DVD is by Pegasus Entertainment. The only flaw with my disk is image quality. IMDb lists the feature as having been made on 35mm, but the visual quality is poor, as if it originated on video. For me it is worth it because of the story.
mark.waltz The likable Pamela Segall has a great screen presence but an amateurish script in this teen comedy of one young girl's discovery that her sex is changed simply because she had a desire to know what it was like to be a boy. She finds out one day that anatomy has played a dirty trick on her, and she is now a he. While her performance playing a boy makes sense if the character was pre-teen, there is no fooling me that there is no way to be a high school aged student. Yet, he is able to beat up the school bully, attract flirtatious high school girls and not drive parents Party Duke and John Glover to a mental institution. This film keeps changing its direction, with continuity a major factor in my dislike of the film as a whole. The one touching moment comes when Segall in boy attire comforts a wheelchair bound male student who confesses his homosexuality to him/her. It was a tender moment that I didn't quite suspect but it is badly plotted. A violent sequence is truly disturbing even if it is the bully getting his butt whipped. I finally gave up and moved onto better films. Perhaps the mid 1980s were too soon to tackle this subject. Its a nice try but a misfire just the same.
sevybaby My friends and I used to go to our local video store before it got rid of its VHS, back in the day and we'd rent piles of video's always making sure that we only rented things that we hadn't seen and looked strange. Something special was in a bright pink box with a little doodle of a girl looking down her pants in shock and we knew right away that we had to rent it.This is not by any means one of those movies which will one day explode in popularity, but when my friends and I watched it, we couldn't believe what we were seeing it had us rolling on the floor laughing and we probably watched it about six times in one weekend because it amused us so much. If you love movies that really are quite stupid but in a fun guilty pleasure sort of way this is a definitely a movie for you, plus tiny Seth green is hilarious.
gbeacock I have been wandering around IMDb for a couple of years now, looking for a movie to see if I find it as funny now as I did then. I think I found it. All I remember is the basic plot and one outrageous scene. It's about a girl who wakes up with male genitals in addition to her female ones. A doctor says he can operate, returning her to a single sex. Either sex. She wants to try out being a boy first.The scene I remember most is when she(he) tells her best friend, another girl the same age (10-12). She doesn't believe it for an instant, so she(he) shows her. The friend, confronted with her first ever penis, wants to examine it closer, but she(he) says "NO WAY!" That scene has stuck with me forever. Unforgettable.That is all I remember, other than the fact I enjoyed it at the time. That was many years ago. Too bad it isn't available on video or DVD.