Party Line
Party Line
R | 01 October 1988 (USA)

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A rich brother and sister are crazed killers. She lures men into her bed, and he attacks them and murders them. A detective is assigned to find the killers and bring them in.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Sameeha Pugh It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
PeterMitchell-506-564364 Party Line has the weirdest killer couple I've ever seen. They're pathetic brother (Garrett so funny here, and we even see him get to wear a dress) and hot sexy sister (Weatherly) who lures her victims in through a sex hotline. The men, or any man would go crazy for this bit of trim, make out with her and we leave it up to good old Leif, mentally controlled by the sister, to do the killing. Hot on an obsessed tail with another case, cop, Hatch (Ghettoblaster) is teamed up to his disliking, with a woman on this new case, that killer hotline involved. As with these macho cop characters, here's just another one, a rule breaker, who thinks he has style, low key actor, Hatch, so cool in this. In spite of other negative reviews, this movie is a lot of fun, and plays out as not a bad quality b thriller, and Leif and our sultry hot Shawn who may'be love each other a bit too much, are just priceless. A chubby and cute babysitter, an intended victim, helps out our two cops, after the last male victim was an acquaintance of the babysitter, in more ways in one, as trying to come on to this cute girl, sexually. The middle aged guy, should of known better,in both case. One film, worth a watch (don't believe the bad hype) I found, in a quite surprisingly, if quizzical, bad light.
anxietyresister Yep, it's me again! Mr 'I sit through crap so you don't have to'.What do you think this is about? Could it possibly be about a woman who call a sex line and arrange to meet bachelors in a secluded area? Then her cross-dressing boyfriend comes along and slits their throat with razor, before they make off together with his cash? Wow, what a guess! And if I tell you that the cop who is put on the case is forced to team up with a sexy assistant DA to nail these suckers, what conclusion will you come to? Do you reckon the sexy DA will go undercover wearing a flimsy red dress to an attempt to meet the drag queen, but then end up being kidnapped and having to be rescued by the maverick officer? (who has already handed in his gun and badge) ZING! You get 10 points!Frankly, this film bored me to tears. Why do people insist on making this kind of rubbish? Its a waste of our time, their time and yet they still carry on regardless.. filming a movie that no-one gives an iota about. If it has any redeeming features, there's the fact that it has some of the prettiest ladies I've seen in a motion picture for a while. I hope they spent what meagre wages they earned on plenty of botox and colonic irrigation. They'd look great on the cover of Vogue, or perched on the top of a car in a bikini. They should just leave acting to the professionals (like Shannon Tweed).Talking about future careers, I ran into the director the other day. He sure does whip up a tasty chicken burger meal. I must say too, that the uniform really does suit him. I asked him about 'Party Line', and his eyes went to the floor before he mumbled something about extra fries. Oh well, guess it didn't quite work out. Never mind, they're letting him take over the drive-thru tomorrow!! Hurray!! 1/10
taxidr5091 I watched this movie this past week. I picked it out of a line up of "old horror/ thriller movies." I wanted a good laugh, so I picked this up, along with "Fade to Black" and "The Slumber Party Massacre Number 2." Boy was I in for a surprise. The plot was too extreme to even be believable. (Why would a brother even want to take part in sexual escapades with his biological sister?) I have to admit that some of the scenes were pretty funny in slow motion, i.e. when the babysitter's employer dropped the babysitter off, and the babysitter slapped the employer in the face- the face he made, was too funny for words. A must see. Leif Garrett must have been desperate for work. However, the film makers were even more desperate to have this film released. And I mean, "film makers." If you want to call them that.Rating by TaxiDr: 2 1/2 for laughter, and 1 for taking a chance in the movie industry.
caspian1978 A hard to find movie, Party Line can be found in some video stores in the Mature Audience section. The reason being for the nudity. Still, don't look forward to seeing Richard Hatch in the buff in this film. In fact, Party Line is a debut film for Hatch where he is not dressed in tight pants! Unlike past roles, Hatch plays a more dark and complex character that has no ties with space ships or robots. Hatch plays the role of a bad ass detective who is determined to find a serial killer. With a six shooter, a pair of baggy blue jeans, and long hair, Hatch remains loyal to his roots but begins to make a dramatic change in the roles he takes as an actor.Highly recommended for Richard Hatch fans.