Hallows Eve
Hallows Eve
| 27 August 2016 (USA)
Hallows Eve Trailers

The Hallows Estate is on alert as strange graffiti tags with messages declaring the streets will be taken over on Halloween night begin to appear on walls around the place, along with sightings of strange figures lurking in the shadows. One of the gangs responsible for the serious anti social behavior that give the estate a bad name, decide to take these threats head on and ignore the curfew on Halloween night. But who ever, or what ever, this new threat is, they seem to have the very night on their side as they make good on their promise of claiming the streets by frightening and violent means.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
revzi1 Shame i gave it a 1 star because it was a pretty good story, but the acting was bad and i mean really bad. not worth watching just for the story. please dont waste your time on this
lilith136-30-639215 OK, so is there better out there? Course there is but, in the end, to me a movie (of any genre) needs to grip my attention and keep me 'interested'. While this is fairly on the same wavelength as'Attack the block' (which I loved too), I appreciate that is low budget and independently made and please keep up the good work!
kieronboote-134-969472 I guess on virtually every review page there will be someone who describes the film they are reviewing as the "worst film ever made".....well they are all wrong because this IS the worst and most stupid film ever made.Why is it stupid? The timeline in the narrative makes no sense - the vigilantes start posting their "tags" and planning their revenge BEFORE the most heinous of the acts they seek vengeance for has even occurred. The revenge takes place against some completely innocent people for no reason whatsoever. We are expected to believe that the ordinary working class dad's who are the vigilantes apparently decided it was important to spend around 8 hours huddled together making about 100 pumpkin lanterns - and even the most stupid policeman would then know to arrest the blokes who bought at consignment of 100 pumpkins.The direction is flat and lifeless. The editing is by the numbers. The dialogue is laughable. And the acting.....oh the "acting"....Ethan Taylor and Lenox Kambaba, the toughest, baddest guys in town, are 2 of the biggest mummy's boys you are likely to encounter in any film. I'm afraid to say that Sarah Akokhia, who is supposed to have had some previous romance with Mr Kambaba and is supposedly at University looks old enough to be his mum! Lots of running around, lots of very sub Attack the Block attitude, lots of silly and inconsistent behaviour and not a single brain cell in use.I have honestly seen thousands of films and obviously among that number there have been some truly awful films over the years but none that made me feel as if my intelligence was being insulted quite as badly as this one.There is a great inter generational horror film to be made about the old killing the young with a post Brexit sub text but this isn't it, this is simply STUPID. There are so many great films to watch so I'm just trying to save your precious time by warning you.......please don't waste your time on this utter rubbish.
Lulu Pollice If you're looking for something which feels like it could happen to you - then this is the horror for you! Set in a shabby estate, where youngsters seem to be creating trouble, lies a group of strangers who are trying to teach a lesson. The story shows a true representation of teenagers in the UK, which for once shows the story through their eyes instead of their parents. Race is finally not a barrier and characters from diverse racial backgrounds interact without having to focus nor mention to race related issues; making it in my eyes a very positive forward thinking representation. Characters are well thought, multiple layered, with intricate relationships, which are brought to life by extremely compelling acting throughout, especially the main characters interpreted by Sarah Akokhia and Ethan Taylor.The story is terrifying and the end twist slightly sickening - definitely got me covering my eyes and gripping the seat numerous times.