The Lifeguard
The Lifeguard
R | 30 August 2013 (USA)
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A former valedictorian quits her reporter job in New York and returns to the place she last felt happy: her childhood home in Connecticut. She gets work as a lifeguard and starts a dangerous relationship with a troubled teenager.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
t-rutt Boring and disjointed. Why is this sometimes billed as a comedy? My guess is because the makers knew it sucked, but figured OK Kristin Bell, maybe we can leverage goodwill from folks who like Saving Sarah Marshall and con them into seeing it. Uneven tone, tries periodically to be quirky. You won't care about or believe these characters. The scene where she stands up to the police because they are harassing the teens for skating is one of the most hackneyed things put to film in the last 10 years. Spoiler alert: this movie stinks on ice, but it will put you to sleep faster than a sominex chased with some NyQuil.
DesiAnge The movie has its issues - the beginning is kind of strange, the characters are not developed well, as they could be...but still i liked the it because it has a spirit.The spirit of nostalgia. Going back to the childhood, the time when we where happy and light- hearted. The life is scary, the growing up could be frightening. The love story is extraordinary - a young man, almost a kid and a adult woman who is confused with her life. That love is a beautiful, impossible, elusive,passionate kind of love. I don't understand why this movie has so many negative revues and rates. I don't find anything wrong, scandalous,immoral or outrageous in it. OK she is older, but what? You could fall in love at any age! People in US consider the consent intercourse with 16-17 years old boy as something scandalous and almost a rape. But they don't find anything wrong when the 17-18 years old boys go to the American army to kill people.So you could go and kill people at the age of 17, but you must wait till 21 to buy a booze.Of course, if you have a relationship with an adult woman at age of 16 or 17 she must be put in jail for child abuse because you are minor:)))
Douglas Just watched the movie on late night TV. I thought the main plot point of the twenty-something needing to take a break to find herself was fine, but the movie tried to throw in too many subplots/story lines. The result is that it didn't properly explore any of them. Some of the subplots should have been eliminated so that the film could devote that time to development of the other subplots and the supporting characters.I also didn't really understand why it was set in CT based on the plot but that could just be that I'm not a New Englander. I just couldn't relate.
brecallenmiller OMG.I'm not going to sit here and lie to y'all, I like 'em young. That's to say I'm 28 years old and I don't mind smashing the occasional 21 year old. But for Christ's sake, banging a 16 year old is just too much, even for me. Hide you children, hide your wives, because The Lifeguard and her gay friend are on the loose and both are molesting young 16 year old suicidal boys. Yes, this movie takes it to a whole other level of creepiness. I thought The Exorcist was absolutely terrifying, then I saw The Lifeguard and I haven't been the same since.
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