The Brass Teapot
The Brass Teapot
R | 05 April 2013 (USA)
The Brass Teapot Trailers

When a couple discovers that a brass teapot makes them money whenever they hurt themselves, they must come to terms with how far they are willing to go.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Michael Ledo John (Michael Angarano) works selling extended warranties over the phone. His boss complains that he needs to smile. His wife Alice (Juno Temple) is unemployed in spite of her $40,000 bachelors degree in art history. They live in a Laurel Springs, a small Indiana town. Alice steals a brass teapot from an antiques store. If someone is in pain, either mental or physical, the teapot dispense money according to the depth of the pain. The money making pot becomes addictive and they discover they need to do deeper hurts to make the same money.The teapot is a watered down version of "The Monkey's Raw" but still contains elements of dark comedy. John and Alice are basically good people, but when they dig a grave for a future victim, they start to examine their addiction. Personally I would have dumped the Pinto.Guide: F-word. Sex? No nudity.
Michael Radny Whilst the Brass Teapot starts off promising, it then slumps into a typical melodramatic snore fest that you may find in a Disney kids film. Though I will admit, The Brass Teapot is a cool idea, the unfortunate part of this is the jealousy that follows. The whole time I was thinking what I could do with it rather than focusing on the narrative of the film. It's funny, but tragic at the same time. Dumb decisions are made which makes you cringe and the recycled material of the story leads nowhere exciting. A good attempt to make a good film, but for the most part this film turns out so-so. It loses its charm quickly, which is unfortunate and its comedy factor gets weary. Definitely the film that could have been.
Kevin Bannigan Maybe the movie is a tiny bit familiar, which is why it can't be rated ten stars. Nevertheless, The Brass Teapot is a very, very good movie, both funny and thrilling, well directed, and super well written. The comedy isn't clichéd, the quotes are clever, and the two main character's give great performances. I started to guess the budget of this film, and I guessed maybe four million, five tops, when in fact it wasn't even one million, which is really, really impressive. The Brass Teapot contains several very funny scenes, but also has a serious side as well. There's some moral tucked within as well, but I don't judge movies based on that, but rather how entertaining they were, how much fun I had, and this one was a blast! I loved the dance scene in the beginning while The Clash's song was playing. Overall, a movie that maybe isn't entirely original, but is still unique enough to absolutely make it worth the watch, and Juno Temple is wonderful in this film.
DMan_76 I watch a lot of movies on in my spare time. I have seen just about every Juno Temple flick and am usually disappointed. It's not that I think she is a bad actress it's just that I think that she seems to pick bad roles. I really enjoyed her in this one though. This is one of those films that you look at the title and see the the list of actors and actresses and you really don't think that it will be that great. My experience with this film was just the opposite.Juno Temple and Michael Angarano are definitely the two stars of the movie so don't go in thinking that this is a Gilmore Girls type of movie. There were not a lot of scenes with bad language and Juno for the most part keeps her close on. I would say that if your kids are High School level then this show should be appropriate. Some of the effects with the teapot were kind of generic and the fact that they never really get majorly injured in performing these acts was a little bit hokey. These are the reasons why I give it a nine instead of a ten. Overall I thought this was a great film and definitely worth a the time to watch.