St. Trinian's
St. Trinian's
PG-13 | 11 July 2009 (USA)
St. Trinian's Trailers

When their beloved school is threatened with closure should the powers that be fail to raise the proper funds, the girls scheme to steal a priceless painting and use the profits to pull St. Trinian's out of the red.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
RavenGlamDVDCollector I struggled watching it at first, I missed a whole lot of what was actually said, and I refuse to use subtitles on the virgin flight. I felt that the characters made too little impression on me, they're not likable, and the whole thing was kinda over the top simply for the sake of being over the top. Then, a bit before nearing the halfway mark came that song that beautifully fitted in with the theme and tied everything up with a nice bow.Uh-oh, we're in trouble Something's come along and it's burst our bubbleAnd it is just so damn cute that it made me see the whole flick in a positive new light! There is an absolute wealth of detail. The film oozes surprises popping up in the backgrounds. There is such an absolute lot going on here, the flick gets an A+ for effort, heart and spirit. The pupils are a deranged lot. Everybody is busy as beavers being deeply anti-social, except those at the wrong end of the stick.After the song warmed my heart, I was more in tune with the movie. These misfits have to be cheered for! And the subtitles were, of course, finally used, and there aren't complaints from me anymore. Movie has a cult following, and I can see why.A better title : GIRLS TOGETHER. Or ST. TRINIAN'S GIRLS TOGETHER. I just realized how much it would be misunderstood. But meant by me in the sense of 'standing together overcoming all opposition'... Movie has a cartoonish* style with a deluge of over the top characters. Including Rupert Everett in a dual role, which is kinda ludicrous to the extreme, a whole troop of little savage girls, some of them horrid little white-faced Goths (or Satanists?) :) and bigger girls wielding hockey sticks like deadly weapons. Also a little leg-humping dog. *Inspired by the works of Robert SearleBy the way, just learned scant minutes ago re ST. TRINIAN'S BATTLE OF THE SEXES, and it rather sounds like a remake of ALL I WANNA DO.
Alex Gidley Where do I begin with what is wrong with this film the story, the acting, the humor everything about this film feels like rusty nails are being hammered into your eyeballs, how this film got made I will never know. This film is best described as a bitter attack on British cinema, maybe even cinema in general it is that bad. The acting is some of the worst I've ever seen at times it is so bad it makes Keanu Reeves seem like Peter'O'Toole, the story and writing are so sloppy it makes Garfield 2 seem like Lord Of The Rings and the humor... I haven't even got a comparison for that every time the film tries TRIES to make a joke or be funny it's like someone is rubbing cheese graters up and down your ears. The way the lines are delivered is so robotic almost to the point of them not sounding human. I have nothing good to say about this movie apart from I can assure you that it will end (asuming you haven't already gone all Tommy DeVito on the disc or hung yourself in sheer agony) and what makes it worse they made a sequel. To sum up don't buy this film, don't rent this film don't even look at this film it is an abomination to the film industry and is one of they many reasons I don't believe in God because if God existed this wouldn't have been given the green light. I leave you with this final thought "Why Stephen, Why"
eagleeyedcritic Funny and very silly.But I wouldn't let young kids or young teens watch it.It might give the wrong idea.Plus there was some disturbing scenes that were made out to be funny.Abuse made out to be cool.I didn't care for the makeover with garters showing.This is not a message I'd want kids to take on.I especially liked the relationship between the head mistress and Colin Firth. Ha ha! Good for a laugh.Pure silly mindless entertainment.
gradyharp ST. TRINIAN'S seems like an awful bust, unless the extremes of slapstick and borderline taste are your bailiwick. It is a film that comes across as a cartoon that never can get out off the page - what one would expect when the 'writer' is a committee (Piers Ashworth, Jamie Minoprio, Nick Moorcroft, Ronald Searle (!), and Jonathan M. Stern) and the direction is shared (Oliver Parker and Barnaby Thompson). St Trinian's is 'school' for dysfunctional girls (nerd to goth) run by a wild headmistress Camilla Fritton (Rupert Everett in bucktoothed drag plus fuddy English gent's clothes as Carnaby Fritton). The school is a major disaster zone and one Geoffrey Thwaites (Colin Firth) is sent to correct the issues. The threat of bankruptcy spins its own dire consequences and the 'inmates' of the school find a way to correct that. The major surprise is not in the plot but instead in the fact that some of Britain's finest actors agreed to participate in this mess: Rupert Everett, Colin Firth, Lena Headey, Toby Jones, Anna Chancellor, Celia Imre, etc etc could have their choice of about any film casting and win Oscars and kudos instead of boodos. It gives pause...Grady Harp