Rob the Mob
Rob the Mob
R | 21 March 2014 (USA)
Rob the Mob Trailers

The true-life story of a crazy-in-love Queens couple who robbed a series of mafia social clubs and got away with it… for a while… until they stumble upon a score bigger than they ever planned and become targets of both the mob and the FBI.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
bcheng93 can these 2 people be romanticized? they were pond-scum, same or worse then the mob who they robbed from. one reviewer wrote they were like robin hood...haha..all they did was help themselves. they had a subconscious death-wish. how do you think you can keep robbing the mafia and have no repercussions? the glorifying of a crack using couple going off on a crime spree, living in their own fantasy world. less then 1/2 way thru the movie and i was really disliking the couple and was hoping they get a quick demise. Michael Pitt seems to play characters who are really despicable and unlikeable..but thats the sign of a good actor. the female lead was really good too. i'm at a loss of words to describe her. the director had the couple as sweet and lovable..but in my opinion they were despicable and low, worse then most mobsters. thank goodness they got their just ends. a hell of a movie and seriously underrated. the movie kept me engrossed from beginning to end.
The Couchpotatoes I like movies based on true stories. It makes it a bit particular to watch. But if this one is really based on true events then they must be the dumbest robbers in history. Or wannabe gangsters with a death wish. Nevertheless the movie is fun to watch. Michael Pitt and Nina Arianda did a very good job playing Tommy and Rosie, the two lunatics robbing the mafia. The movie is simple and easy to follow, with I guess then a storyline based on true events. A bit unbelievable if you ask me but then again nothing can really surprise me anymore. If you like mob stories then you will probably like this movie. I did for sure, wasn't bored for a second.
Gorilla Warrior I didn't expect this to be one of those films that I didn't want to end. Despite the brilliant plan to take from those who took from the community, including your own family, studying and planning with (i.e. knowledge of the'No Guns,' code, inability to call the cops) and the 'brass' it took to pull off - the camera work, editing and production put it over the top. In what could have been a decent film, based on the story and script alone, which is incredibly well-written by Jonathan Fernandez, the character depth and the music/visuals - is what makes this film so captivating. Besides the amazing performances of main characters Michael Pitt (one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood,) and Nina Arianda (as Tommy and Rosie Aka 'Bonnie and Clyde,') the film also looks through opposing views while developing supporting characters through great acting in the mob (by Andy Garcia aka Big Al) the Press (Ray Romano) and Feds. It is very impressive in providing great actors, through a brilliant casting job,all the way throughout. I really can't say enough about the job of translating the writing director Raymond De Felitta did - especially in the final scene. The way he chose to show the outcome (the snow globe, glass, and music,) tied it all together, almost indescribably. Despite the content and basic plot of this film, it dives much deeper, culminating into one single message thats repeatedly spoken, inferred, and felt : LOVE. It is a beautifully unexpected message that the film gives to viewers and is deeply refreshing compared to many other films today, which rely on superficial looks at the cast and action rather than taking the time to develop the characters, use different viewpoints, and includes actual flashback footage into the real NYC of the early '90's to make us feel as if we're actually there with them.Viewers will not be disappointed in the film, which deservedly received a 10/10 from me - for being less like something viewers are simply'watching,' - and more like you've also entered their beautiful "Dream."
pabrcf11 An interesting take on the NY Mafia genre! Better than most anything coming out of Hollyweird. I can't quite get the flower symbolism though. Besides flower shops being a constant meme, they've changed Joseph "Big Joey" Massino's name to "Big Al" Fiorello...which means "little flower". That's a lot of flowers refs!A bit of license taken with the story. Tommy wasn't very attractive and the ultimate "greaser" so I doubt he'd call anyone that. Rosie was very non-blonde. They were killed by a Gambino, oddly, and at a street light in Queens, not parked looking at the view. The list was found by the Feds *after* they were shot. No one was indicted until 2005, and then Gambino capo Dominick Pizzonia and soldier Ronald Trucchio were charged with the murders. That's more than dramatic license because the fact that it was the Gambinos, who weren't being robbed, and so publicly when they weren't mafiosi, was all meant to send a message.