These Final Hours
These Final Hours
| 31 July 2014 (USA)
These Final Hours Trailers

What would you do on the last day on Earth? With the end of the world only hours away, the self-absorbed James heads to the ultimate party-to-end-all-parties. On his way there, he saves the life of a young girl named Rose who is searching desperately for her missing father. This simple act sets James on a path to redemption.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
MinistryofDoom Meet James. He's an immature guy living his life from one bottle to the next. He's a terrible boyfriend and a cheat. His relationship with his mother is nonexistent. He's a terrible friend. He's an alcoholic and full of aggression and rage and just doesn't care about anyone or anything....until he meets Rose, an innocent little girl looking for her father, on this day, the last day before the end of the world.It might not seem like much, but this is a touching heartfelt story of redemption. It raises the questions: Is it too late to change? Is it too late to realise your mistakes and atone for them? What starts off slow pays off if you stick with it. As you progress through the journey with James and Rose, you'll find yourself caring more and more about them. The climax is worth it and if you don't shed a tear, you'd hardly be human. This is without a doubt one of the best hidden gems I have ever seen. Truly a magnificent experience on a limited budget, but so much more. It's a story that will leave a lasting impression and cause you to look inside yourself. Are you living as well as you could be? What if you didn't have time to correct your sins?Do yourself a favor and see it. I promise that you won't regret it.
blakelockett45 In "These Final Hours" Nathan Phillips plays James. A man who doesn't want to face the impending doom of the apocalypses. As the final hours approach, he has the chance to redeem his life and make things right once and for all. The film is well directed by Zak Hilditch and the cast does a stand up job all around. These types of films don't get a lot of funding in Australia, so it's good to see a genre piece like this come out of the local scene. It does have it's flaws in it's pacing at times, but the acting really draws you in and there is an overwhelming sense of dread and approaching doom. The cinematography by Bonnie Elliott is beautiful to behold. It's as if the sun is extremely close to the earth like an eternal summer evening. The themes tackled are quite simple and beautiful, which is the real shinning moment for the film. It's really asking not, "where you will be when the world ends" but "where would you rather be?" eight out of ten stars.
eryui If you expect catastrophic scenes and special effects will remain disappointed. The movie, about the last hours before the holocaust, focuses mainly on human impending disaster reactions; there are no scenes of destruction.The question in here is: what would the people do knowing that the end of the world, life, is near and inevitable?Well, I found it interesting and above all realistic enough. The last hours of our main characters are probably more significant than what we see around in the movie and so I found a certain empathy with him.Probably this film would have been more interesting by looking to a larger urban context and so, by offering more insights. Anyway the film is beautifully packaged and the acting more then decent and likely.7/10
Reidal80 This movie is perfect.Great acting ,the little girl was amazing, i like deep movies and this one fits.Australian movies are getting better again, I even love Crawlspace despite the harsh critics it got. This is a good movie about the end of world, sometimes reminds me of The road and also Melancholia from lars, the music was touching. I give this movie a solid 10, because i love doomsday films hopeless and sad like this one. So if you like those kind of flicks go for it, is a hell of a ride, I have some other friends they would act as crazy as those in the movie in the edge of fear and death, my mother wouldn't understand haha....its coming...
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