The Man from Hong Kong
The Man from Hong Kong
R | 31 July 1975 (USA)
The Man from Hong Kong Trailers

Australian authorities arrest a man believed to be connected to the Sydney criminal underworld and send for Inspector Fang Sing Leng from Hong Kong to question him. After the alleged criminal is assassinated, Inspector Leng and the Sydney police try to hunt down those responsible and hope to solve their case along the way.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Leofwine_draca THE MAN FROM HONG KONG is another splendid 'Ozploitation' classic from British director Brian Trenchard-Smith, and one of my three favourite movies that he made (along with TURKEY SHOOT and THE SIEGE OF FIREBASE GLORIA); all offer endless entertainment value. This one's a Bond knock-off that mines the-then craze for kung fu madness with the tale of a Hong Kong cop who comes to Australia on the hunt for a massive drug lord. Said drug lord is played by former Bond George Lazenby, who acts up a storm as one of the screen's biggest and most imposing heavies. The hero of the hour is none other than former Shaw man Jimmy Wang Yu, an actor who I've always enjoyed seeing on screen, and he's certainly an electrifying presence here, doing the majority of his own stunts and proving versatile and athletic throughout. The film is a straight-up action classic and limited plotting, but tons of great and bloody fights and vehicle chases that are huge fun, especially the gruelling extended fight between Wang Yu and the assassin. Supporting stars include those familiar and humorous Aussie actors Roger Ward and Hugh Keays-Byrne and a wealth of Hong Kong talent, not least Sammo Hung in a surprisingly big role. I loved it!
udar55 HK Inspector Fang Sing Leng (Jimmy Wang Yu) travels to Australia to extradite a drug dealer (Sammo Hung). When the hood is assassinated on his way to court, everyone suspects Jack Wilton (George Lazenby), a crime lord who the local police haven't been able to pick up. I wonder if Fang will get him? This Aussie-Golden Harvest co-production was an attempt to launch HK superstar Jimmy Wang Yu on a global scale post-Bruce Lee. The film is very effective, thanks mostly to director Brian Trenchard-Smith's Bond-esquire style that capitalizes on lavish locations and over-the-top stunt work. Wang Yu isn't the smoothest fighter, but he gets the job done with fights every 15 minutes or so. The highlight is a throw down inside a kitchen against stunt man Grant (STUNT ROCK) Page. Even more surprising is seeing Lazenby doing a lot of his own stunts including a fantastic fire gag. There is also a masterful car chase that reminds me a lot of stuff in DEATH PROOF (I'm willing to be Tarantino used this as a reference). The oddest bits of the film have women falling for Wang Yu the second they see him. Ah, the power of cinema!
mambo_man "The Man from Hong Kong" is a lost classic of the "so bad it's good variety" which almost defies neat encapsualtion. Forget the at times seemingly ad-libbed script (the two Aussie coppers appear to be making it up as they go along), forget acting which only very occasionally rises to the modest standard of George Lazenby's gifts, forget even the sight of Aussie icon Rebecca Gilling showing off all her ample charms - the real fascination in this film if how every big budget action film cliche is thrown in here - but done on the lowest possible budget. The exploding Toyota Crown at the highlight of the pre-title sequence is a dead giveaway. So is the scene where the guy falls off the ladder. He just falls off the ladder..... thud! And the way the two guys at the brginning *run* to the top of Uluru and duke it out. Like you can do that....A great film to watch with some rowdy friends.
gridoon The hero, Yu Wang, is a poor man's Bruce Lee in this action film which is a poor man's James Bond adventure. It's an astonishingly lame-brained movie, with no plot or suspense: instead, it provides endless fight sequences which produce more yawns (from us) than thrills. As for George Lazenby, who plays the villain, he has absolutely no charm as an actor, but at least here he's passable and ALMOST makes you forget his Bond past...