Long Weekend
Long Weekend
| 29 March 1979 (USA)
Long Weekend Trailers

When a suburban couple goes camping for the weekend at a remote beach, they discover that nature isn't in an accommodating mood.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
jadavix A bickering couple, enduring a rough patch in their relationship, make an ill advised decision to go camping on the beach over a long weekend. The woman doesn't like camping; she'd rather see her husband at society parties trying to climb the social ladder. The husband is tired of society; his wife cheated on him with a neighbour and had to abort his child. He just wants to get away from it all with his surfboard and his dog, Cricket.Something is wrong from the outset when the locals haven't even heard of Mernda Beach. The determined man finds it anyway, to his wife's chagrin, and after fighting some more he heads off to surf. There is a shadow under the water: is it a shark? The wife calls her husband back to the shore, frantically, but more hostile animals await: a possum, an eagle, a dog. Nature seems to be pitting itself against them. Or is it pitting the couple against each other?"Long Weekend" is a horror classic, the best Australian horror movie ever made. Calling it a story of nature turned hostile is doing it a disservice. This is a deeply chilling psychological horror movie with the animals standing for more than just physical threats. What is the dugong, for instance? Why does it appear to get closer to the campers when they assume it to be dead? And why does nature do the most damage, not with outright attacks on people, but when tricking people into attacking one another?There are any number of things that nature could be standing in for in "Long Weekend". Does it represent the simmering hostilities between people that cannot be ignored, that come closer when you turn your back? Or is it truly just an evil nature movie, but with handling so disturbing your mind won't stop there when calculating the threat?Either way, "Long Weekend" is an unforgettable viewing experience, and a true classic.
ladymidath I honestly don't understand why this movie flopped when it was first aired in 1979. It is one of the best films in the horror genre. I saw it years ago as a child and it was one of the films that stayed with me.Long Weekend is a very low key horror. The tension is not ramped up straight away, but builds slowly and steadily. Like Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, there is no pat answer to what is actually happening, only that Peter and Marcia, (John Hargreaves and Briony Behets) are not welcome in their part of the bush. And for good reason, neither Peter or Marcia show any respect towards the bush or it's inhabitants. They carelessly start bushfires, slaughter animals with their negligence and destroy their surroundings.Peter and Marcia are not a very likable couple either, they constantly bicker and it is clear to see that their marriage is in serious trouble.The acting from both John Hargreaves and Briony Behets is excellent, both give a brilliant performance as the rapidly estranging couple that literally come under siege by their surroundings.The final scenes of this film are truly harrowing and I promise, ones that you won't forget. do yourself a favour, see the original before you see the remake. This is what Aussie cinema used to be like. Brilliant and original.Long Weekend is considered to be an Ozploitation film and even though is was a commercial flop in Australia, it was a huge hit overseas.
atinder Huge fan of killer animal movies and this as been on watch list for a few years, I really looking forward to this and the remake, I was going to watch them back to back.This movie takes while to getting going, I don't mind some slow build up unless there go some where.I found most of this movie very boring, the couple were very annoying, who could not care less if they were killed by these animals. I Felt bored and frustrated throughout the movie, even Animals attacks scenes will really dull, Could have been done better!I don't think acting the was bad, why would make two couple so annoying they you wish they do get killed.The last scenes was bloody Joke, it's actually funny!3 out of 10
Lawson One of the first eco-horrors I think, but it joins the others in being pretty lame. At least it wasn't an overly ambitious grand-scheme effort (ahem, The Happening), being just a little story about an urban couple who go camping and do all sorts of inconsiderate sh*t to Mother Nature, who decides to take offence and sends her minions to sort them out.There are some interesting scenes in the movie - a mysterious presence in the sea, a vicious possum, a reappearing dugong carcass - but a lot of the time it just shows an unpleasant couple who're out camping. The suspense and thrills just weren't there for me. I don't understand why so many people raved about it on IMDb. Must be environmentalists, all.
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