The Last Days of Frankie the Fly
The Last Days of Frankie the Fly
| 24 October 1996 (USA)
The Last Days of Frankie the Fly Trailers

Dreaming of ascending the underworld ladder and gaining revenge on his sadistic boss, Sal, a Mafia flunky, Frankie, tries to take a step in the right direction by "saving" an exploited, drug-addicted porn actress, Margaret.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
wes-connors Overdressed Los Angeles locations come between harmless Dennis Hopper (as Frankie), porn star Darryl Hannah (as Margaret), her director Kiefer Sutherland (as Joey), and everybody's mob boss Michael Madsen (as Sal). Uncharacteristically, Mr. Hopper is called "Fly" because he wouldn't hurt one. He plays re-recordings on his jukebox, is called an ugly waitress, and falls in love with Ms. Hannah. She alternately appears blonde and brunette for adult audiences (note, no nudity), and tries not to shoot up. Flailing and jumping around on the set, Mr. Sutherland is mercifully gagged and tied up during the second half.** The Last Days of Frankie the Fly (10/24/96) Peter Markle ~ Dennis Hopper, Darryl Hannah, Kiefer Sutherland, Michael Madsen
Theo Robertson THE LAST DAYS OF FRANKIE THE FLY is an entertaining film . It`s by no means a classic but everyone plays their parts well enough especially Michael Madsen and I`m somewhat surprised as to why it went straight to video . Think about it for a moment if Martin Scorsese had directed this instead of Peter Markle it`d be called a brilliant romantic comedy thriller , and it does have an extremely Scorsese feel to it . Watch it and you`ll see what I mean
Julien (Cescotto) Frankie ‘The Fly' (Dennis Hopper) has decided he had enough that everyone calls him ‘The Fly' since the day Sal (Michael Madsen), his boss, humiliated the porn actress he's in love with. At the same time, Sal blinds Joey (Kiefer Sutherland) in one eye, a small porn films director who's tried to rip Sal off. Afterwards Frankie asks Joey to film him killing Sal, in order to be avenged and by the same way make a good «snuff movie»…The screenplay of this excellent movie («Frankie», not the snuff !), indeed quite more tricky than this brief summary, don't miss to be striking and reminds us Gary Felder's cruelty in «Things to do in Denver when you're dead», or even the gangsters little stories in «Pulp Fiction». You must see Frankie now playing it «cool-styled» with his sunglasses, his three-piece suit and his sports car, now being totally old-fashioned when he bluntly barks at his car parker because he's driving too fast.But besides, Frankie is an engaging character. He can fairly well talk to girls but he's rather wimpy when Sal or one of his henchmen totally ticks him off !Michael Madsen («Kill me Again» ; «Reservoir dogs») takes himself very seriously in his little mafioso part. I enjoyed one of my favorite actors once again ! For once, Kiefer Sutherland doesn't play a too twisted character like in «Freeway» or «Truth or Consequences, N.M.». As for Dennis Hopper, he has already become a legend since «Easy Rider» and later, «Blue Velvet» and `Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2'…The dialogs have got a black sense of humor and even sometimes a particular subtlety. I just love the original soundtrack, the songs fit very well to the sequences. So, I recommend this terrific movie to crime films and black humor fans.
Lary9 OK so this one was a rather pedestrian quasi-knock-off...and maybe the characters were a touch low key. Yet, oddly I found myself watching this one for a second time. Why? It could be because I have been a Dennis Hopper fan since 'Easy Rider' and I feel like I've been growing up with him ever since. (Our long lost brother Peter Fonda, having only shown up recently,dropped out of sight and missed our formative years.) But I digress. I confess to being a fan of Michael Madsen as well...and I date that awareness back to his horrifically twisted Funky Chicken while slicing and dicing and immolating the cop to the tune "Stuck in the Middle with You" in 'Resevoir Dogs'. Nobody does "watch-out-I'm-crazy" like Michael Madsen! Darryl Hannah was competent but replaceable with any SAG journeyman but is to be commended for the choice of role. Kiefer Sutherland is Kiefer Sutherland...have you noticed ever since 'Freeway' he has a penchant for having his facial parts removed? This film is about Frankie and his contradictory little ways. Frankie the Fly is an empathetic wise guy and the film plays off against these two poles. Oddly, the message is that empathy is strength. Hopper plays him well and we are all rescued in the end. I have always liked movies about the seamier side of human social discourse...the side with pool rooms, gambling addictions, hookers,and guns without permits. ( Is Dennis Hopper the King of the Seamier Side or what? I envision him as a Jedi Knight with a pool cue and a Camel in transition to the Dark Side.) I am drawn to these flirtations with the street life like a moth to flame. If you are to, this movie could be fun for you too.
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