KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park
KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park
PG | 26 October 1979 (USA)
KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park Trailers

The tale of rock band KISS and their efforts to thwart a diabolical plan by mad scientist Abner Devereaux. Devereaux has found a way to clone humans into robots in his laboratory at an amusement park. It just so happens that he plans to use the KISS concert as a platform to unleash his plan on the world. KISS must use their special powers to stop him.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
guisreis Very campy film by Hanna-Barbera (but it's live action) that reminds me a bit "Superfriends" TV animated series. Though, it's live action and the superheroes are the members of the Kiss band! Their superpowers come from four magical talismans protected by a force field. Star Child can shoot a laser from the star that comes out of his right eye and also uses it for controlling minds and for activating his superhuman hearing ability. The Demon has superstrength and may breath fire (besides having a thunder voice, a mighty roar... and a long tongue). Space Ace shoots laser rays from both hands (although strangely never uses this power while fighting) and teleports himself and his partners by making the hitchhiking gesture with his thumb. Catman was supposed to have superhuman agility... but all the four seem to have the same superhuman agility! Well, at least he is the responsible for the jokes only Ace laughs at. They all also have a superjump, may slow down the fall, have (clumsy) martial art techniques... and fly, off course. In the movie, the enemy is is a mad scientist (why not?) who converts people into androids. The rockstar superheroes must save the day by fighting inside an amusement park. Everyhing with bad acting and poor visual effects. Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss all hate the movie. Well, it's somewhat funny, but really not nice at all.
Aaron Taylor This "film" is an embarrassment to cinema, it makes the fourth Jaws film seem like an Oscar worthy picture. This movie represents everything that the band "Kiss" represent, which is mindless stupidity in a vain attempt to swindle money from their fan base. Much like the way Michael Bay treats the viewers of "Transformers" as mindless fools who will pay in as long as the CGI robots fight for 2 hours of the movie, Kiss knows all they had to do was show up on a film set and their fans would go crazy, name one thing Kiss has put their faces on which didn't sell, hell the Kiss Coffin sells, there are a lot of really Dumb people alive and Kiss takes advantage of these people. If you feel that you have respect for anyone in this hunk of crap band, please watch this movie, and then listen to their song "Great Expectations" because Kiss is absolutely the worst thing to grace entertainment.
grindleguts 'KISS meets the Phantom of the Park' is little more than a kids movie that once was part of advertising the band to an even wider audience. At the time the rock legends were quite few in including pyrotechnics, mask painting in their shows so whoever came up with the idea of a movie probably relied a bit too much on their stage appearance to make a worthwhile film.The biggest problem with watching this movie present day are all the clichés and utter silliness this movie packs. Due to the nature of being a Hanna-Barbera production there are simplified relations, overstatements, put-in-place language and just a lack of continuity that kids movies often can get away with. If you're a fan of the band it's probably something you'd want to watch once in your lifetime, and perhaps for fans of bad movies (yes, they do exist). For anyone looking at a decent movie featuring KISS, it will do little to nothing for you.
cinemafan1996 This is a 70's TV-movie in every sense of the word, with all the crazy music and odd film making.KISS are superheroes to the top degree, and of course KISS is Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Peter Criss and Ace Frehley. They all prove that they cannot act in the least, even though it sure is fun watching them try! But the movie really isn't quite as bad as so any think. It's actually filmed quite well with some decent editing (here and there) and the actors are obviously having a good time.KISS fan or not, everyone who likes anything a bit off the wall should check out this classic, and I do mean classic!