Captain America
Captain America
PG-13 | 14 December 1990 (USA)
Captain America Trailers

During World War II, a brave, patriotic American Soldier undergoes experiments to become a new supersoldier, "Captain America". Racing to Germany to sabotage the rockets of Nazi baddie "Red Skull", Captain America winds up frozen until the 1990s. He reawakens to find that the Red Skull has changed identities and is now planning to kidnap the President of the United States.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Platypuschow Captain America returns after over a decade on the shelf with a shiny new shield and somewhat less ridiculous costume but is it any less cheesy?Well, yeah but it's no better.Captain Americas origin story is told and after thawing out he goes after his nemesis the Red Skull.Much like the 1970's movies Cap is in civilian clothes for the vast majority of the film which I find a strange decision, the action sequences aren't as frequent but a tad more realistic.Costing over 10 million this was considered a big deal but despite a star studded cast this was actually somewhat of a bore and the leading man seemed out of his depth.Outside of the modern Cap movies I'd recommend the 70's movies over this or the 1944 classic.The Good:Red Skull actually looks quite good (For the brief moments he's in it)The Bad:Matt Salinger is such a goofy looking guy and the mask just makes it worseIncredibly boring for an action filmThings I Learnt From This Movie:Marvel actively declaring one of their heroes is inferior to a DC one seems a bit foolish
Achoo42 Probably the worst superhero film of all time. And I've watched all the trash ones, like Green Lantern, Batman and Robin, Catwoman, Elektra, Fant4stic, Superman IV, etc. Now, let's begin with the...Highs: Funny, but unintentionally so.Lows: It's like a parody. A parody of Captain America. Unfortunately, that's not what the director had in mind. Logic was nonexistent in this movie. Remember in Trolls 2 where the kid pees on the food instead of just throwing it away? That is the type of logic in this movie. None whatsoever. Examples: Red Skull is grabbed by Captain America strapped to a rocket. Because Red Skull doesn't want to be taken with the rocket, what does he do?A. Nothing, and let gravity do the work.B. Kill Captain America with the knife in his hand. C. Cut off Captain America's hand. D. Cut off his own hand. Yes, the correct answer is D. Congratulations, Red Skull is the winner for the dumbest supervillain if all time. Also, his face looks like a collection of acne scars. The Captain is no bright bulb either, believe it or not. He steals two cars from the very people who are trying to help him, and in the second instance of car theft, he actually gets stuck because he can't speak Italian. Then the person he just stole from bails him out. The entire scene just kicks karma in the balls. There are some gigantic logical errors that also don't have to do with the characters themselves. In the very beginning, it's early World War 2 and Nazis are going around murdering random Italian families. WTF? The Italians are their allies. It's like America's navy just going around sinking random British cargo ships. Another particularly stupid scene (this movie has a lot of them) is when Cap is strapped to a rocket headed straight for the White House. What does he do? He kicks it off course. You read right. Apparently his kicks also refueled the rocket, since it now has the power to fly all the way to Alaska. That's right. And the stupidity doesn't end there. Another ridiculously braindead scene is the entire end fight. It's.....oh, you'll just need to watch it yourself. Too stupid to convey with words.Other low points in the movie include boring action scenes, plot holes, terrible acting, and general laziness throughout, especially with the costumes. Captain America's eyeholes don't even align with his eyes, and his ears are fake rubber ears. They didn't even bother cutting ear holes into the mask. That's how lazy they were.Verdict: Watch it. You won't regret it, because it's a barrelful of laughs.
utgard14 During WWII, Steve Rogers (Matt Salinger) volunteers for a government experiment to become the ultimate super solider, Captain America, and finds himself facing the evil Red Skull (Scott Paulin). After stopping a missile launched at the White House, Rogers is frozen in ice for fifty years. When he's thawed out, he discovers the Red Skull is still around and causing trouble, although now part of a conspiracy involving mafia and military industrialist types who want to stop the President because he's an environmentalist. Oh, brother! This is the kind of crap comic book movies used to be, with a few notable exceptions. It's directed by schlockmeister Albert Pyun, probably best remembered today for the Jean-Claude Van Damme "classic" Cyborg. Pyun made a lot of low-budget garbage over the years. You can count on one hand the number of times he made something approaching good. And I'm talking about a hand with several fingers missing. Anyway, Pyun directs this with his usual lack of talent. The cast is poor, led by wooden Matt Salinger (son of author J.D. Salinger) who has the unfortunate duty of trying to act while dressed up in a costume that appears to be made of rubber, complete with padding and fake abs. Scott Paulin plays the Red Skull (an Italian fascist here instead of a German Nazi, for some bizarre reason). He treats the role as camp and plays it up as the joke that it is. His accent is a mix of Super Mario and the Count from Sesame Street. The Red Skull's mask is slightly less embarrassing than Captain America's costume but only because it looks like something left over from a horror movie rather than something true to the source material. He spends a large amount of the movie without the Skull mask because he had plastic surgery to hide who he is. He still looks grotesque and I found it hard to believe he could fool anybody looking like that. The rest of the cast includes familiar faces like Ned Beatty, Ronny Cox, Darren McGavin, and Michael Nouri. McGavin and Nouri both use hammy Texas accents because they're generals and all cornball movie generals sound the sameThis stinks, plain and simple. Several times in the movie Captain America, our big hero, uses the "feets don't fail me now" approach to battle. In other words, he runs away like a scared little girl. The action scenes are unexciting. The script was written by someone recovering from brain surgery. The direction and editing are inept. The music score is forgettably generic. The whole production is laughably cheap. It does have camp value and some appeal as a curiosity for comic book fans who might want to see how far we've come. Just prepare yourself for the awfulness.
Leofwine_draca Despite its forgotten status today - especially in the wake of the recent mega-budget revamp - CAPTAIN America isn't bad for what it is, which is a low budget, cheesy, superhero family adventure film. Okay, so the director is Albert Pyun, who I have to say is one of my least favourites, and the paucity of budget is evident throughout, but other than that this is surprisingly watchable.I think it's fair to say that Matt Salinger is one of the more wooden superhero actors to be seen on screen, but the supporting cast makes up for that. THE HIDDEN's Michael Nouri shows up as a military man, good old Ronny Cox is the President no less, Ned Beatty ISN'T a bad guy, and there's even a part for TV's one time Kolchak, Darren McGavin.It's a fast paced little movie that takes in Steve Rogers' origins, sends him through time to the modern day and then involves him in a plot involving an old enemy. Not much of it makes too much sense, but there's plenty of action and scenes of our hero battling the bad guys. Pyun's direction is horrible, but I was expecting the worst when I sat down to watch this and I didn't get it.