WWE WrestleMania 23
WWE WrestleMania 23
| 01 April 2007 (USA)
WWE WrestleMania 23 Trailers

WrestleMania 23 was the twenty-third annual WrestleMania PPV. It took place on April 1, 2007 at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan. The event was a joint-brand pay-per-view, featuring performers from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. The main match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was Batista versus The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the ECW brand was an Eight Man Tag Team match between The ECW Originals and The New Breed. The featured matches on the undercard included Bobby Lashley versus Umaga and an interpromotional Money in the Bank ladder match. It set an all-time Ford Field attendance record of 80,103. WrestleMania 23 grossed US$5.38 million in ticket sales, breaking the previous record of $3.9 million held at WrestleMania X8. With about 1.25 million buys, the event is the highest WWE pay-per-view buyrate in history.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
adonis98-743-186503 MONEY IN THE BANK LADDER MATCH - Mr Kennedy vs Finlay vs Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy vs Booker T vs Edge vs Randy Orton vs CM Punk. UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP - Chris Benoit vs MVP. Kane vs The Great Khali. BATTLE OF THE BILLIONAIRES - Umaga (w/Vince McMahon) vs Bobby Lashley (w/Donald Trump). WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP - Melina vs Ashley. THE ORGINALS (Rob Van Dam, Sabu, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer) vs THE NEW BREED (Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn and Matt Striker). WWE CHAMPIONSHIP - John Cena vs Shawn Michaels. WORLD HAEVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - Batista vs The Undertaker. WWE Sunday NIGHT HEAT SPECIAL DARK MATCH - Ric Flair and Carlito vs Chavo Guerrero and Gregory Helms. Wrestlemania 23 was one hell of a Mania with Batista going tall to tall with the 2007 Royal Rumble winner Undertaker, Jeff Hardy going full extreme and also HBK v.s John Cena is what i would describe amazing in every way and truly classic especially that moment when Shawn Michaels jumped from the ropes upon Cena.
Terryfan Wrestlemania 23 was indeed a strong Wrestlemania. It show case what Wrestlemania is suppose to be. It contain some of the most amazing matches in wrestling history as well as good entertainment. They call Wrestlemania the show case of the immortals and this Wrestlemania actually shows it 1.Randy Orton vs Edge vs Mr.Kennedy vs CM PUNK vs King Booker vs Finlay vs Matt Hardy Vs Jeff Hardy Money in the bank Ladder Match. Now this was a strong opening match and it thrills the fans from start to finish and it gave us a lot of high spots that you would have to watch again Rating: 8 out of 102.Kane vs The Great Khali. This match was pretty much a bored mess and more of a excuse to get a drink because this match is not worth your timeRating: 2 out of 103.MVP: Montel Vontavious Porter vs Chris Benoit for the WWE United States Championship.Watching this match you see what a real match is suppose to be MVP's entrance was pretty cool as he came out with Cheerleaders for his gimmick and both men gave us a well thought out fightRating: 8 out of 104.The Undertaker vs Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship This is my personal favorite match of the night since The Undertaker is my favorite wrestler. Batista can work a good match if given the right opponent. They gave us a heck of a match and thrill us having us on the edge of our seats thinking that Batista had the Undertaker right where he wanted him and The Undertaker show why he's the Phenom of the WWE This is just a excellent wrestling match and you got to clap for both men after a battle they hadRating: 9 out of 105.The ECW Originals (Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, and The Sandman) vs The New Breed (Elijah Burke,Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker, and Kevin Thorn with Ariel) This feud was between the legends of ECW against the New Breed honestly this match was up against the last match consider how drain the fans were after the title match so honest this match just was decent at bestRating: 7 out of 106. Bobby Lashley (with Donald Trump) vs Umaga (with Mr.McMahon and Armando Alejandro Estrada) Hair Vs Hair Battle of the Billionaires with Stone Cold Steve Austin as Special Guest Referee. This was a good match overall plus it was funny what happened to the one who got his head shaved of their hair but I will leave that mystery to you. It just a entertaining match and have some good moments tooRating: 9 out of 107.Ashley vs Melina Lumberjill Match for the WWE Women's Championship now this match was just for show looking back on it but it was nice to see all the Divas out thereRating: 4 out of 108. John Cena vs Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship. John Cena's entrance with the Ford Mustang since they were in the Ford Field that night was really cool and he crash right into glass to enter the arenaAnd the interesting thing about this match they were the World Tag Team Champions going into it. Never the less they work a very good main event that awarded the fans who brought tickets and order it on Pay Per View and the climax of the match is pretty insaneRating: 8 out of 10Overall this Wrestlemania was pretty good it was full of thrills and feature many legends it just shows that this is how you are suppose to have a wrestling show I give WWE Wrestlemania 23 an 9 out of 10
ncskitso39 Well I must say that this years WrestleMania has been one of the better ones. It definitely beat both the past 2 WrestleManias 21 and 22.Money in the Bank Ladder Match - CM Punk vs Edge vs Jeff Hardy vs Finlay vs Matt Hardy vs Mr Kennedy vs King Booker vs Randy Orton This years money in the bank ladder match featured some of the top superstars from WWE and one from ECW. In the end Jeff Hardy took himself and Edge out of the match after falling on top of Edge through a ladder In the end it was only Finally, CM Punk and Mr Kennedy left standing. Kennedy rolls all over the little bastard after Finlay's little bastard tried to win the match for Finally. CM Punk knocks Kennedy off and right when he is going to grab the briefcase he is knocked out by Kennedy. Kennedy picks up the win after.Kane vs the Great Khali Nothing much here then 2 giants slugging it out. Kane body slams Khali though shades of Hogan and Andre. Khali wins after a double choke-slam.Chris Beniot vs MVP (United States Championship) Well there are 2 ways to look at this if you are not a fan of technical wrestling this match will put you to sleep thats the way to put it. MVP had an outstanding WrestleMania performance and he will only get better. Benoit retains not by submission but with the Diving Headbutt.Batista vs The Undertaker (World Heavyweight Championship) My god this was the match of the night in my opinion but it did not make sense why it was so low on the card this should have been the second to last match at least. Well both men put on a really good performance, Batista dominated mostly throughout the match even power slamming Undertaker through a table. Undertaker came back though and hit a last ride on Batista. Batista kicked out then hit a Batista Bomb on the Undertaker. But Undertaker kicked out! Undertaker then hits the Tombstone Piledriver and wins the World title. Winner and new champ The Undertaker.ECW Originals vs the New Breed Well after the Taker Batista match this match did not deserve to be higher then that and like all ECW match's this one sucked. Originals win after RVD hit a frog splash on Matt Striker.Bobby Lashly vs Umaga with Stone Cold as Referee OK battle of the billionaires had one major problem with the story Donald Trump has little hair as it is and I don't think he would agree to do something (since WWE is pre determined) to lose his hair. Well Stone Cold made this match thats why a lot of wrestling fans watched it, others did because Trump was on it. Lashly wins after Stone Cold stuns Umaga then Lashly hits a spear the pin Umaga. After Lashly, Trump and Stone Cold shave Mcmahons head.Ashley vs Melina (Womens Championship) OK first of all can anyone explain why this out of all things was the 2nd highest match on the card? Because I sure don't know why. The whole match was a waste of time point made. Melina retains her title when she pins Ashley.HBK vs John Cena (WWE Championship) Main events at Wrestlemaina are always special but as a fan I got to say i am disappointed that HBK did not walk out as champion. Very physical match HBK out wrestles Cena for the first half of the match until he cracks his head open on the ring post. Cena then dominates HBK up until HBK pile-drives Cenas head on the ring steps busting him open. Both men hit their finishers the FU, Sweet Chin Music and the STFU but neither can seem to win. Then Cena traps HBK in the STFU one more time forcing him to tap. Winner and still champion John Cena.Well the main event outcome was the same as last years which I think why people are not happy with it.Still a Great WrestleMania if you were not able to catch it live or on Pay Per View when it comes out on DVD go buy it as soon as you can.Overall Grade A-
spanos68 Money in the bank 2 start off... was a surprise. Jeffs leap AMAZING... all the finishers going around didn't like and the ending was predictable... Kennedy.Kane V khali... why? main highlight Kane scoop slamming kahli.. shades of mania 3. khali wins with a choke bomb MVP V Benoit: i was actually enjoying this match but the finish ruined it. i was pulling for MVP but then it just ended suddenly after Benoit hit the head but of the top.Undertaker V Batista: was expecting a crappy slug fest but i was really impressed.. great match with the dead man going 15-0 originals v new breed: was short but exciting... RVD wins with a 5-STAR Lashley V Umaga: nothing to great.. Austin made the match fun :D lashley gets the win after a stunner from Austin and then spearing umaga. BALD GOES VINCE!! Austin then stunner's TRUMP :O Ashley v Melina: great toilet break :) HBK V cena: TOP MATCH!! cena wins with an stfu.. great counters all over the ring... match had me on my feet!! Wrestlemania 23... 1st half wasn't the best... 2nd half GREAT!!