R | 27 February 2002 (USA)
Shottas Trailers

A raw urban drama about two friends raised on the dangerous streets of Kingston, Jamaica. Biggs and Wayne take on the "Shotta" way of life to survive. As young boys, they begin a life of crime, eventually moving to the US where they begin a ruthless climb from the bottom. They remain bound to each other by their shottas loyalty as they aggressively take control of the Jamaican underworld.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
John Gregoire (JohnPaulG07) I originally found out about this movie while doing research on gangster films from the 90's. I was looking for the coke lord with heavy violence drama that such films as New Jack City and South Central excellently portrayed. I was thrown off by the Jamaican origin and theme at first but decided to watch anyway. I was not disappointed. Shottas is a graphically violent handgun oriented gangster film dealing with ties between the Jamaican Mafia and Miami street life. While the film does focus on the violent coup d'etat preformed by main character Biggs the real focus of the film is the discretion and lifestyle of murder and corruption that the film is based upon. While there are many violent gun toting action scenes the film really comes to shine during a robbery gone wrong at a Jamaican nightclub. The sheer brutality and efficiency of the scene gives rare light into the dark world that the movie takes place in. As a violent rough chino gangster movie Shottas truly excels. There are few films that can deal with dual mafia environments and story lines as entertaining and brutally as Shottas has accomplished. With all said and done if you are a fan of the genre you won't want to miss Shottas.
jd_snowsk8 Have you ever been to the toilet and throw everything you got. Shottas is the movie for you my friend, it's a non-stop 95 minutes of pure tacos mixed with burritos and some good Chinese stuff that you'll find in you toilet. Worse gangster movie never made ! Oh okay I have to made 10 lines for finishing my review on this nice piece of cr*p that my friend love. Finally the good thing I learn in this movie is that my friend who propose me this movie is a stupid hollow sh*t-head. You'll learn in this movie who black have no sense for business and you will discover that it is not with beautiful cars that your film will be good. if you want to watch a movie that you will never regret listening roadhouse baby with pat sweaz. pow
eufory I read that the movie is very bad. I don't agree. Some scenes are filmed like soap-opera but in general the movie avoids all the clichés from the Hollywood films. I recently saw Miami Vice from Michael Mann and I hated it. For Hollywood there are only good guys and bad guys. Just that, nothing in between. Instead in Shottas shows you exactly how gangsters are created. Created by imitation. Dreaming of a nice life that will never come. Music score is very good and Marley is good even he is not a real pro-actor. Some of the gangsters look like if they were taken from the real shanty-towns of Kingston. That is good. Shows authenticity.
vieenblue A bit uneven, Shottas suffers from low quality transfers that just add to the film's problems. My dvd copy would sometimes cut to a black screen that would say: Insert more robbery scenes here. Technical problems aside: the meaningful dialogue is quite slim- character development seems aimed at an increase in robberies, the direction is lop-sided and meandering, never really wanting to show you much more than hot chicks and nice whips(would have made for a nice extended music video). While I did like the music, it's over-used and just sort of "there"- didn't do much for the film other than elicit some head-nodding on my part. The Anderson character is a joke-he's a political-bad guy cut-out. And how about that "tongue-in-cheek" joke about Wyclef's character banking on a music career? Horrible. Did I care what happened at the end of the film to the main characters? Not really, they were bad people who did bad things, a sentiment I held regarding Cess Silvera's directing effort.