Swat: Unit 887
Swat: Unit 887
| 29 September 2015 (USA)
Swat: Unit 887 Trailers

A non-stop, race against time action packed thriller that follows an elite SWAT Team as they try to stop a domestic terrorist from killing innocent hostages and destroying the city of Los Angeles. With 24 hours left on the clock, the team must rely on their instincts and unique skill set to stop the attack and bring justice.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
cylemmulo I thought I was watching the movie S.W.A.T. and they were doing one of those things where they make you think it's the movie, really it's just a bunch of terrible acting on some dumb TV show. Nope, it was just a bunch of cheap acting on a dumb tv show. It sort of looks like they got someone who knew know to make a show, but then gave them like a $1000 budget, and they decided to use the most generic things and locations as possible.
Platypuschow I was fairly intoxicated when I put on this random pick n mix movie, thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it.A brainless straight to DVD action movie starring Tom Sizemore, Mischa Barton and Jeremy London this cashes in on the popularity of the television series 24 (2001).Known as both 24 Hours and SWAT: Unit 887 it follows a generic cliched action formula involving kidnapping, a terrorist plot and everyone just looks like they don't want to be there.Even when "Action" takes place it's boring as hell. Take the credits off it, cut forward a couple of years and I'll bet even the director couldn't identify if he was involved in it. It's THAT generic.Awful stuff which further insults you with its open ended finale.The Good:NopeThe Bad:ClichedDreadful scriptEveryone looks boredMischa BartonCliffhanger ending with almost no chance of a sequelThings I Learnt From This Movie:I should not be allowed to pick a movie when drunk
dgb-92571 This movie is so bad in every way. Poor acting, poor dialogue, poor plot. Take my advice AVOID AT ALL COSTS! I am surprised that some good actors can get involved in such a bad movie. The pace of the movie is slow. We jump from place to place, yet you have an idea what is going on but the plot gets confused with the various types of Police Departments involved. Oh by the way,Dr Landis, must have said "help me find my daughter" more than 50 times!! Talk about poor script and poor dialogue! Sorry, but I have watched many movie's , this one ranks as the WORST. The action in the movie seems to be forced and very amateurish at the best of times, sometimes it seems as though we get to see the out takes and not the final cut of the scene. Overall a movie to avoid. I am surprised that Tom Sizemore even bothered to appear in this movie considering his acting talent, it certainly did not do him any justice.
IvanWong Film is slow and tedious, the action never starts and is very little, to save only the good cast with first of all Tom Sizemore, who here plays as usual very well the bad but in a movie like this is wasted, the other interpretations are negligible belonging Chris Woodward Jr. holding well the title role; party support for Mischa Barton and Michael Pare, but with a cast like that could be done much better. The film is low budget and it shows, but at least you could bet on the action scenes which are very few, and even the plot is repeated and obvious, essentially copying ugly and cheap Die Hard; No watch this, no watch this if you love the action movies!