Anything but Christmas
Anything but Christmas
| 09 December 2012 (USA)
Anything but Christmas Trailers

Single mother Grace loves Christmas but her new partner John just can't abide the occasion. As the festive season approaches, it begins to drive the two of them apart so Grace decides to get to the bottom of his disaffection.

Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Kirpianuscus like many others Christmas movies. bitter-sweet, with few trips around dark memories from childhood. and the family as the best cure. modern, for the hypothesis of vulnerable Prince Charming, helped by the wise step son and the powerful Princess. the best part - inspired skill of Sergio Di Zio to propose his character as convincing, realistic and seductive. short, an inspired variation for a generous theme. remembering old small truths and using the fear by Christmas holiday, not so rare in our time, in wise way. so, a nice film. not great, maybe not memorable. but, useful.
Armand a sentimental comedy, like many others at first sigh. one of Christmas films, mixture of same ingredients in similar dose. but nice for the crumbs of courage - Sergio Di Zio as vulnerable Charming Prince, Elaine Hendrix as the strong - delicate Princess, Christmas and its nuances, Christopher Lloyd who gives a special role who reminds the Scrooge 's way. its basic virtue - a wise-warm image about family, fight against dark childhood memories, second chance and love , old values and a beautiful end. it could be a not bad choice for Chrismas period like a hot chocolate cup. but, in same measure, it has small pieces from Frank Capra universe - the ideal for sweet movies fans. and that could transform it in an useful support of naive joy. result - far to be great, it is a nice movie about profound values at base of each life.
bwestbroker This movie is so tedious and idiotic...and NOT in a "funny" way.It's as if none of the actors were given full scripts to work one speaks in complete,understandable sentences and WAY too much time is wasted on ....what I PRESUME.... is supposed to be funny spots?Conversations never seem to come to any clear conclusion.I have actually watched it in its entirety..hoping there would be SOMETHING worthwhile at the end....but there was no tie explanations for the lead actress's very odd behavior and little more to explain the lead actor's hatred of Christmas.To make it worse.... the lead actress LOOKS and SOUNDS like Nancy Grace which is just too much for anyone to HAVE to tolerate for over a minute.A complete waste of a movie.
JamieWJackson How in the world can this have a 6.3 rating here? It's like watching a TV commercial that just keeps going. I couldn't stomach it past the 20 minute mark. The two lead characters just keep going, minute after minute, being very uptight and taking it out on each other, instead of talking like human beings would.Whoever wrote this script should rethink their profession. This is VERY bad viewing. It's like having an itch and not scratching it, for minute after minute. The movie has to do the scratching; the viewer just watches. But the scratch keeps not coming, and instead we just keep squirming and wishing the itch would STOP already.Ugh.Maybe it improves later, but I just cannot take any more. This is one of the worst movie watching experiences I've ever had.I will say that aside from the AWFUL experience of watching the two leads being uptight, annoying, immature, co-miserable punks, some of the other performances were alright in the short time I saw them. So the movie gets a 2 for that. But that's it. UGH!