PG-13 | 20 March 2015 (USA)
Tracers Trailers

Wanted by the mafia, a New York City bike messenger escapes into the world of parkour after meeting a beautiful stranger.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Leofwine_draca TRACERS is another boring, kid-friendly thriller set on the bustling streets of New York. It feels like the guys who made it watched PREMIUM RUSH and decided to make their own version of that film, replacing the bike action with parkour. I love parkour, enjoy seeing it done to perfection in the likes of DISTRICT 13 and CASINO ROYALE, but it's very ordinary here. The stunts are good but the shaking camerawork in between the stunts spoils it a little. The film also suffers from the casting of the incredibly wooden and one-dimensional Taylor Lautner as the supposedly charismatic lead, as he has no depth here whatsoever. The plot involves him with the least-imposing gangster villains ever, and an interminable narrative structure that mixes in romantic dialogue and weak heist scenes. It only gets going in the final action scene, and by then it's thankfully nearly over.
EBJ Overall: This might be the worst movie I've watched all year. I attempted watching it 3 times before I could fully finish it.Good: The parkour was quite cool and appears to be practically done.Bad: The plot is abysmal The acting was so ridiculous it appears to be done by amateurs.The characters are bland and uninteresting.It was horrendous. It was painfully boring.Best Part: The parkour sequence on the ship.Honestly, if it's FREE or on TV get a bunch of friends and plenty of alcohol and watch it. You may get a laugh. For me it's NOT a good movie and wouldn't recommend it.2/10
emrahkoyunsev First of all, this is not a great movie but it is not as bad as it is told in here. The reviews are coming up from different minds and that means we don't have to like the same things but come on guys, watch the entire movie first then write your reviews.Actually, Taylor Lautner did a good job and I believe that he didn't use stunts on most parts of the film.The action scenes really excited me and I want those parts to be passed and see the next part, which is good I think, by that way director made me wondered. I believe this is a very important a movie should have.Well, guessing the end of the film easily is the disadvantage of the film I think.****SPOILER ALERT**** On the way to the end, where they were going to get diamonds, going down from the ceiling glass part could be better to show that Miller is standing Cam up.
johntk1566 I'd really recommend watching this movie all the way through. It doesn't carry you all the way, so you need to have some preliminary interest(s) in the genres of this film, mainly parkour. If you are looking for a good parkour film, you're in luck and you should be pleased overall. Its also not bad for action, crime, or thriller genre-fans either. The cast does a good job in their roles, though the script is fairly basic. The story-arc is intriguing throughout the majority, and while there are a few holes, I was left feeling content with the final execution. There is a very good amount of parkour-"action", so if you have any interest in this area, you should be well pleased.I had no interest in the teen-drama aspect of the film, but the other aspects of the film allowed me to endure this weak point. They were probably trying to appeal to the female, Taylor Lautner fan-crowd on the romantic aspects of the story line. This is the first film I've seen him star or co-star in, and I will say that he did a decent job. It looked like he did a fair amount of the parkour moves himself, so he has my respect for his dedication to training for this film.If you are a fan of District B13 movies, the video game Mirror's Edge, or just a parkour enthusiast in general, I really think you'll enjoy this flic overall.