| 03 December 2010 (USA)
Spud Trailers

It's South Africa 1990. Two major events are about to happen: The release of Nelson Mandela and, more importantly, it's Spud Milton's first year at an elite boys only private boarding school. John Milton is a boy from an ordinary background who wins a scholarship to a private school in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Surrounded by boys with nicknames like Gecko, Rambo, Rain Man and Mad Dog, Spud has his hands full trying to adapt to his new home. Along the way Spud takes his first tentative steps along the path to manhood. (The path it seems could be a rather long road). Spud is an only child. He is cursed with parents from well beyond the lunatic fringe and a senile granny. His dad is a fervent anti-communist who is paranoid that the family domestic worker is running a shebeen from her room at the back of the family home. His mom is a free spirit and a teenager's worst nightmare, whether it's shopping for Spud's underwear in the local supermarket

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Gino Cox "Spud" is a pleasant coming of age comedy with stellar performances by Sivan and Royal. John Cleese delivers what is possibly his career best performance in a dramatic role. Other performances are generally solid, particularly Cope and Kriek. The plot is familiar and often predictable; however, the execution is so organic that one seldom feels aware that one seldom feels conscious of viewing a film, even during the frequent voice-overs. There are a number of unique elements to the story that seem largely squandered. The story is set in South Africa, but could just as easily have been set in Britain, Canada, Australia or a number of other locations. It occurs during a turbulent period in the country's history, but the school is isolated from political events. Spud attends a posh private school on a full scholarship, but while he is bullied, he's never bullied over his modest background. He reads "A Tale of Two Cities" and performs in "Oliver Twist," but there is no effort to draw any parallels with the country's political events or Spud's circumstances. While the film seems predictable in many respects, one expects various elements to be more fully developed and to have a greater impact on the story. Various subplots converge at the climax in manners that are not unexpected, but don't seem entirely earned. Spud is given an option that doesn't seem earned and The Guv's situation changes abruptly in a manner that doesn't seem the logical and necessary progression of prior events. The climax might have been more fulfilling if the characters had done more to earn the outcomes. Production values are adequate. The pace is a little slow at times. There is one scene with Spud reading in the foreground while minor events occur in the background that serves to remind the viewer that the filmmakers don't do much with the background in most shots. Overall, it's a pleasantly entertaining film that could have done much more with some of the unique elements in the story.
caroldiego OK, I haven't seen the movie yet - heck, I'm only about 2/3 of the way through the book - but I just want to let the SA reviewers know that if the book is any indication, stop worrying about whether international viewers/readers will get it. All the descriptors and comparisons - coming-of-age, Catch-22, Lord of the Flies - are inadequate. Spud transcends any comparison to become its own unique moment in world history and personal history. It's not only young John Milton's maturing to manhood, but the entire nation's maturing out of apartheid that we see played out here in subtle, powerful parallel.It's a magnificent, universal story that rings with truth, and I am so very happy my friend Sue, in Cape Town, recommended it.
Mikey C It's a rare movie that manages to be both cute and naive, mature and interesting; Spud achieves the paradox to perfection. Anchored by the superb Troye Sivian, this is an easygoing, often funny coming of age story set in a South African boarding school. Whilst the issues of the country are referenced, they are not essential to the plot or even the characterization - people from any nationality will be able to enjoy this.There is a great dynamic amongst the cast of a whole. The boys in the Crazy 8 appear natural, with a great chemistry and sense of fun, which stop the film getting weighed down by the emotional issues encompassing growing up, fitting in and bullying that crop up. Sivian steals the show as the title character, with an astonishingly touching and believable performance that belies his years. He's also beautifully shot, the director capturing the wide eyed wonder of his endlessly expressive face, shy and insecure but growing in confidence. Cleese is the best of the adults, being both understated and moving as Spud's alcoholic mentor. His scenes with Sivian are especially notable, and are really the heart and soul of the whole film.Thematically this is essentially a piece about both choice and fate - the importance of making the right decision, whilst never losing sight of the fact we can only play the cards that life has dealt us. If this sounds on paper a little heavy for a school drama, it doesn't feel it in practice. There is no philosophy shoved down the viewers throat, and although the film has points to make and issues to explore, it does it in a subtle enough way that it will not hinder the enjoyment of kids and young adults who might want some light entertainment of lesser substance.The only gripe was the somewhat tragic ending - the death of a character close to the hero is a perennial plot device of scriptwriters and filmmakers, but it is still a very lazy way of drawing pathos and emotion from the viewer. In this case it was well built to but still felt unnecessary. While I'm not suggesting every film should end on unrealistically joyful terms, there are other ways to create sympathy than blunt death, and it didn't seem necessary in this case in relation to the plot, character or tone of the film. Overall, though, this is a wonderful piece, both funny and moving and engrossing. More people should see it.
JeffersonCody SPUD with Troye Sivan, John Cleese, Jamie Royal, Jason Cope, Aaron McIlroy, Genna Blair, Tanit Phoenix and Jeremy Crutchley, directed by Donavan Marsh. Rating: 8 out of 10.THE eagerly anticipated screen version of John van De Ruit's beloved bestseller is a delightful, funny and ultimately touching film that provides marvelous entertainment and delivers just about everything the book's many fans could have hoped for.The casting of John Cleese was a major coup for the movie's producers and the Monty Python man - who was unforgettably amusing in "Fawlty Towers", does not disappoint. Cleese is terrific as Mr Edley (aka "The Guv"), the eccentric and alcoholic old teacher who mentors our titular young hero and introduces him to books like "Lord of the Rings" and "Catch 22". Cleese is both hilarious and moving in the role. Also excellent is Troye Sivan - who sings beautifully, as the vulnerable, lovable Spud. Jamie Royal also serves up something special with his performance as Spud's doomed true friend, "Gekko". And there are lively supporting turns from the likes of Aaron McIlroy (Dad), Jason Cope ("Sparerib" Wilson), Sven Ruygrok (Rambo) and Genna Blair, who is perfectly cast as the lovely "Mermaid".The story begins in 1990, shortly before the release of Nelson Mandela. The winds of change are already blowing through South Africa when John Milton (Sivan) - a working class boy with a scholarship - is deposited at the posh Michaelhouse boarding school in his crazed parents' bombed- out car. As he lies in bed that night he thinks out aloud: "Tomorrow school proper begins. Maybe I'll die in my sleep and miss it completely." No such luck, and the worst is still to come. John is a late developer, so when he hits the showers, the other boys, noticing his little willie and lack of pubic hair, nickname him Spud. The name sticks.But the witty, intelligent young Spud is determined to fit in with his dorm mates, like the "Rain Man" Vern, the sickly Gecko, Mad Dog, Rambo, porn-obsessed Boggo and the ever hungry Fatty - who holds the school farting record. Spud also wants to be an actor, hopes to shine at cricket and takes an interest in politics. Things do start to improve when "The Guv" takes Spud under his wing, though. And when - during the school holidays, he meets and falls in love with the girl he dubs "Mermaid". "Spud", which features a fine score by Ed Jordan and splendid cinematography by Lance Gewer, is not a sentimental film. It is funny and exuberant and nostalgic, but it is also surprisingly moving and the relationship between Spud and The Guv has plenty of emotional resonance, as do other aspects of the film.Most faithful to the spirit of Van De Ruit's book, "Spud" is a deliciously human and heartfelt film which tells a wonderful South African story with skill and sensitivity. While this story and its settings are uniquely South African, the themes are universal and there is every chance this charming film will also find a level of success in other parts of the world - such as Britain and Australia. But whether or not it works in the rest of the world is immaterial. "Spud" will be a well deserved smash hit at the local box-office and leave audiences satisfied, happy and ready for the sequel. Do not miss it. GA.