Run the Tide
Run the Tide
| 02 December 2016 (USA)
Run the Tide Trailers

When their drug abusing mother is released from prison determined to rebuild their family, Rey kidnaps his younger brother Oliver and escapes their desert home for the California coast.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
kirpo-kakkonen I think this movie was excellent watch. Taylor gave a solid performance, best I've seen from him so far. And the actor portraying his younger brother, was excellent too. They have a good chemistry throughout, and it was enjoyable to watch their scenes. Other roles in the movie, served their purpose well. There was no unnecessary ones. Mother, she was not the one to dislike (like I first thought) either. The story, was overall good. Nothing from outer universe, or trying to reinvent the wheel. But a good story, and kept simple. If you enjoy movies, with a good story, warm characters, and steady acting. This is one to watch. I warmly recommend.
phd_travel This movie is boring and uninteresting. A drug addicted abusive mom is about to be released from prison. As if the courts would give her custody. So the elder brother (Taylor Lautner) wants to take his younger brother away and they run off to the beach. Taylor Lautner tries to stretch his acting range here by doing a serious role. But his delivery of lines is monotonous and sounds like he is reading a script. Giving him a bit of scruff doesn't make him a serious actor. He is better for comedy and action.In the end it felt like a big fuss about nothing.
lavatch One really has to feel for the main character named Rey in this tearjerker called "Run the Tide." Much like a Lifetime cable network movie, Rey has to cope with a string of personal, domestic calamities. For example:• Rey's mother was a junkie, sent to prison for drug use and child endangerment. Young Rey was on the receiving end of his mother's abuse.• While his mom is in prison, Rey takes on the responsibility of raising his young brother Oliver. But, without any notice, the mother Lola is released from prison and wants to take Oliver away from Rey.• Rey's former girlfriend Michelle returns to the home town after graduating from Stanford and landing a choice position in a swanky San Francisco social media network. Michelle has a fling with her old beau Rey and invites him to San Francisco...but without telling him that she has a fiancé.The narrative structure of "Run the Tide" is a road trip with Rey taking young Oliver to Santa Cruz to commune with the beauty of the Pacific and "run the tide." Along the way, Rey's car breaks down, then he has an encounter with Michelle and her fiancé in San Francisco. There was an intriguing transformation in Michelle's character from the homespun dress she wore on her last night with Rey to the mannequin-like appearance with gobs of make-up in San Francisco.Will anything else go south for long-suffering Rey? The rather untidy ending leaves that question wide open. But the sympathetic film-goer is tempted to say to the main character, "Rey, you need a hug!"
bkoganbing Although his fans would not be pleased if Taylor Lautner didn't have one or two topless scenes, the man does a bit of acting in Run The Tide. In this Lautner is the older of two brothers the other being Nicol Christou who run away from their midwest home to head for the Pacific coast where Taylor knows a girl starting college.The reason for booking to the Pacific Ocean is that their drug abusing mother, (they had different dads) is about to be released from prison. Taylor has bitter memories of her abusing him as a kid. He wants to not see that happen to his younger brother. The younger one however is too young to remember anything bad. He just wants the mom he never had.Am not sure why Christou's father just didn't divorce her. According to the story God knows she gave him enough grounds. I also doubt custody would be an issue. Maybe courts are biased toward Moms but usually a prison sentence will overcome that.Lautner has some good scenes here, but the story is too much to overcome.