Chris Tucker: Live
Chris Tucker: Live
| 10 July 2015 (USA)
Chris Tucker: Live Trailers

Comedian Chris Tucker performs live.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
blaka_gringo Love Chris Tucker, wanted it to last longer. I am such a fan.
sunriseinyoureyes Chris Tucker is clearly a naturally funny dude. It's obvious that he lives his humor, and that his performances are, in large, him just continuing to live that humor but in front of an audience. In this live show he gives us half a lifetime of stories, many from his apparently humble beginnings (i.e. growing up in a Black American family), and many from his post- stardom high-profile experiences (e.g. select highlights from his friendships with Michael Jackson and Bill Clinton). The variety of subjects covered in this 90 minute special was incredible and kept the show fresh and unpredictable. There is a laugh somewhere for everyone. In all, Tucker was having fun on stage and it showed. His animation, expressiveness, and flare permeated the entire set. He not only told his stories; he performed them with theater-like intensity. Watching him in his zone is an immersive experience, as you're made to feel like you're right there with him in whatever moment he's recalling.
decoren45 Meh. It's basically Chris Tucker doing Eddie Murphy's 80's material for about 90 minutes. Even so far as to do a Michael Jackson Impression that lasted about 10 minutes too long. He has nothing new, insightful or even intelligent to say.Everything has been done before better by somebody else. Is it terrible? Not exactly, I'll admit there we a few genuine belly laughs, but those were far and few. While, I'll agree there was a time when Tucker was shining a rising star that was a long time ago and his brand of comedy shows his age. Comedy, much like humor, changes and transforms and Tucker, while still entertaining; hasn't in my opinion transformed with it
f_strasser_king I saw this on Netflix not even knowing Tucker was about to do a special and with so many comedians doing specials these days, I was somewhat sceptical about this release a) because I hadn't seen Chris Tucker in any stand-up since Def Comedy Jam and b) the amount of profanity this could potentially have. I must say I was totally blown away. The jokes were original and actually really funny. I spend most of my time listening to stand up from a vast array of comedians (Jim Gaffigan, Brian Reagan, Steve Harvey, Kevin Hart (before the glam) etc) and it takes a lot, a whole lot to get me on the floor laughing - but this special actually did. Chris' impersonations are rock solid. A few topics dragged on for a while but for the most part he held it up and profanity while present was kept to "somewhat" of a manageable minimum. I came into work today to see if anyone else had reviewed this special and was shocked at some of the professional critics comments I saw. Give him a break will you. Well done Chris - this actually tops a number of specials out there and you deserve to have your 15 minutes on this one. Not sure if its worth signing up to Netflix for if you don't already have a membership but for those like myself who have enjoyed Netflix for quite sometime, I have to say this was definitely a positive addition to the line up.