R | 05 April 2001 (USA)
Blow Trailers

A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Rainey Dawn You would never believe that the story of a drug lord could be so interesting but it is. While the film may not be 100% accurate it is a fairly good depiction of the life of George Jung.The story tells the tale of Jung's childhood, how his family became flat broke, how and why Jung decided that drugs was to be his way of life and Jung's rise to the top of drug world as well as his downfall.The movie has quite a bit of action, a good biographical story to tell, intense drama and a good casting. I enjoyed the film very much and do recommend it to not only fans of Johnny Depp but to those that are interested in biographical films and crime-dramas.8/10
JÄnis Locis Yes, it is awesome. it is exciting, but most importantly it is real. ''Blow'' is all about George Jung, played by Johnny Depp, a drug dealer, who rises to heights, starting with marijuana and moving on to being one of the greatest cocaine smugglers to ever live. This is one of those movies based on a true story, that is actually really interesting and has you on your toes throughout.The movie does a great job making the viewer feel compassion for a drug dealing criminal, towards the end it gets really emotional and you feel sad for the life George Jung has lead and how he ends up.I love the flow of this movie, the story is unfolding at a steady pace. i fell that the director did a great job of correctly displaying the transformation of George over the years.George got screwed so many times, it's not even funny, all his friends betrayed him, eventually, everyone, literally, everyone he knew left him rotting in prison. Shows how the drug industry is, you are never really friends when it comes to business and huge amounts of money.
gstaub835 When you begin to critique a film, some thing of the script, the special effects, or the camera shots, but most think of the performance of the actors. The majority of the time the actors make or break the film. It is possible for famous actors to not do so well in films while unheard of actors may come to stardom with an uncharacteristic performance that blows the audience away. Ted Demme made a very important decision when making the film Blow by casting the lead role to Johnny Depp. Without this choice, it is very possible this film could have been a total bust instead of one so effective and engaging. Johnny Depp plays the protagonist in the film, George Jung. Depp is a very well known actor who has played many different roles in his lifetime, but seems the perfect fit for Jung. While Depp is more known for his less serious and comedic roles nowadays such as in the Pirates of the Caribbean series and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, most of the current generation does not know about his serious roles in films early in his career. His persona as an actor is known in many different ways because of his wide variety of character traits. From his witty sense of humor, to his charismatic personality, to his mysterious and perplexing behavior, Depp can play almost any role. In Blow he plays George Jung, an ambitious 18 year old who wants to get away form his poor working class upbringing in Massachusetts so he moves out to California to start new and "conquer the world". Throughout the movie, Jung is depicted as a very intelligent and determined individual who always appears to be trying to prove someone or something wrong. He very quickly takes over the drug empire on the West Coast and back home in the East Coast before he starts collaborating with the Colombian cartel. All along the way Depp uses his variety of traits and portrays an aspiring, yet very lazy young individual who uses his charisma and seriousness to get what he wants. As stated in the New York Times review of the film, "Mr. Depp's sorrowful countenance is the still point at the center of ''Blow's'' swirling hyperactivity, and his witty, spare performance gives the picture a poignancy -- a depth of feeling" (Scott 1). The strong character of Depp makes you question your morals as you begin to root for Jung and hope he does not get caught while he is illegally distributing drugs. As you start to support a man who is breaking the law, you realize you are doing so because you like George. You want to meet George. You want to be friends with George. Some may even want to be George. The audience feels sympathy for him because of his past and understands why he is doing what he is doing. It even breaks your heart in the end when he gets caught and sent to prison for life. Jung is the anti-hero of the film, the protagonist who lacks idealistic views and morality, yet is the main focus of the plot. Rolling Stone said: "Depp is dynamite, showing how George is susceptible to temptation but also to feelings and pain. It's not every actor who could survive the series of wigs and ruinous fashions that mark George as Sixties hippie, Seventies drug lord and Eighties cocaine casualty." (Travers 1) While jokes are made about the physical change in Depp's appearance with his numerous different hairstyles to match the culture of those decades, the main focus is how his character changes and adapts throughout the film based on his experiences. Depp starts Jung off as a quiet and underachieving kid from Massachusetts who gets a taste of the good life when he finds success dealing marijuana in California. Next, you slowly start to see Jung's character change as he starts operations back east and in Mexico. His success fuels his ambition and temptation, which as a result raises his ego and confidence. As George joins the big leagues and begins to work with the Colombian cartel in the cocaine industry, you finally see his character in full swing. At this point, he has turned into a psychotic drug dealer bent on making more money than he could even begin to imagine what to do with. He forgets about his family, his wife and daughter, and just wants to make money. Whether it be getting shot for not releasing information or defying the leader of the cartel, Pablo Escobar, George gets in many deadly situations which is something his character at the beginning of the movie never would have done. All along the way Depp is sensational in depicting these changes and as Peter Travers described in his review of the film, he is simply "dynamite". This movie demanded an outstanding actor to play the lead role, and Demme's choice of filling that role with Johnny Depp is ingenious. It would not have been the same if someone else were in his position. He fits the role perfectly, and as a result created an incredible film.
Victoria Fisher 10 points from me! As always,Johnny Depp (my hero)acts faultlessly. Penelope Cruz I like very much too. That history is so interesting and also real! I don't have any rebukes for this film actually. Only the best words. I was so concentrated when I watched "Blow", because it's very thrilling. I promise,when You will watch this film,You won't have time to breathe... I felt the same. As I know "Blow" was the last film which made Ted Demme. It's sad,but it's true. Anyway,he had a talent and we can visibly see it,because "Blow" is a masterwork in my opinion. Don't waste the time with cheap films (If You watch it) and watch something with (for example) Johnny Depp or Penelope Cruz or other Hollywood actor or actress. As I usually say (if the film is good): in conclusion I want to say,that You won't be out of conceit with this film,because it is really worth to see. Have a nice evening with fantastic film!