Swinging Safari
Swinging Safari
| 18 January 2018 (USA)
Swinging Safari Trailers

1975: A 200-ton blue whale gets washed up on a local beach and the kids think it’s the biggest thing that’s ever happened in Australia. Behind closed doors, the Mums and Dads of a quiet suburban street are going to celebrate in their own special way, by joining the sexual revolution and throwing a wife-swapping key party. And like the rotting whale, it’s all about to go spectacularly wrong.

NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
pdb-70494 Ok...it's no masterpiece - but this film has genuine LOL moments and truly takes you back to 70's Australia. It makes you wonder how we ever survived our childhood....truly haha. It's so surreal it's hard to believe that really was how we were. First half of the film is great but dies in the second half. Goes from a roller coaster of laughs to dullsville.....and has a stupid ending. Thankfully the first half made it all worthwhile. I'm glad I saw this film....and if you would like to time travel back to the 70's - you will have a hoot. If you were not a child / parent of 70's Australia - not sure what your take on this film would be. But you may still get a kick out of seeing how things were. Great cast.....fun times.
cbrleah As much as this movie looked like a solid offering filled with laughs and an all star cast it ultimately ends up a complete mess of story lines and underdeveloped characters. It's filled with needless cutbacks that deliver nothing and scenes that should have been left on the cutting room floor. A lot of scenes I just wondered whether the director was doing favours for mates who wanted a small speaking role to camera. While non linear story arcs are fantastic this one wasn't executed well and cut back and forth so many times whatever the story line is meant to be is not evident. What was the main plot line? Was it the whale, the swinging session, the young girl who would seem to be the focus of much of the movie but of whom we learn almost nothing, or the childhood movie that is apparently being made throughout the film? None of these otherwise acceptable plot lines went anywhere. The parents are all hideous people except maybe Jeremy Sims' character but again there's no real purpose or explanation to any of their motivations. Kylie is wasted in her role of a blubbering mess that completely unexplored. The teenage girl is written off as he street 'bike' and the other children engage in bratty behaviour with a side of animal cruelty. I was genuinely excited to see Julian McMahon in an Australian movie and really thought this would be an absolute treat but it just failed miserably. I gave it 4 stars but even that's probably too generous.
lanckenj I grew up in this era and expected to be entertained. Big disappointment. I wanted to walk out on it in the first 5mins but stuck in there at least for a while till I did. The nostalgia of costuming and food,toys and living of the times were spot, not all the music fitted the era. On the whole movie lacked cohesion of a entertaining story. eg what was with the Magda Subanski Sharon like character with the cricket bat???? I would be embarrassed if I was an actor to have this on my resume. I expect much more from Aussie movies.
kerrbear-87018 This is shocking.it was embarrassing to Australians