The Last Witch Hunter
The Last Witch Hunter
PG-13 | 23 October 2015 (USA)

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The modern world holds many secrets, but by far the most astounding is that witches still live among us; vicious supernatural creatures intent on unleashing the Black Death upon the world and putting an end to the human race once and for all. Armies of witch hunters have battled this unnatural enemy for centuries, including Kaulder, a valiant warrior who many years ago slayed the all-powerful Witch Queen, decimating her followers in the process. In the moments right before her death, the Queen cursed Kaulder with immortality, forever separating him from his beloved wife and daughter. Today, Kaulder is the last living hunter who has spent his immortal life tracking down rogue witches, all the while yearning for his long-lost family.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
alechowellscc An enjoyable flick that gets a bad wrap. The acting is better than you would expect, effects on par with modern movies, and the story overall isn't bad. The movie will keep you fairly enraged from start to finish and is well executed during the run time. I've watched it several times and I hope that they expand the story at some point down the line.
Stephen Abell So way back when witches roamed the land so did Witch Hunters. Kaulder (Diesel) and his gang are hinting the Witch Queen who is intent on the destruction of the human race. The battle between Queen and mortals is fast and furious with everyone but Kaulder and the Queen being slain. In a last ditched attempt, Kaulder attacks and runs her through with his sword of fire. However, as witches are accustomed, she doesn't die easily... she curses Kaulder to immortality. However, judging by the notches on his bedpost this curse has backfired on the witch because it looks like he's enjoying life... not only does he have the women, but he has his own toys, fast cars, and a penthouse... when can I get cursed that bad(?)So this is pretty much a Vin Diesel vehicle and to be honest, it's kinda like Riddick without the contact lenses. There's at least an air of a mystery in the story, something is happening in the magic community and it's not good. What's happening? Who's behind it? What's the twist? All good questions, though all, are pretty easy to figure out. Mainly, because it's all been done before and maybe they didn't want to get too complicated and confusing as the film is aimed at a 12A audience. Any adult should know where this story is going and all the twist reveals well in advance of their actual reveal.Vin Diesel once again does a great job at being Vin Diesel... I would love to see him stretch his acting wings to take in a few more characterisations... or is he gonna be like Bruce Willis stuck in a rut being John McClane in every film he does? Can anybody remember when he was Hudson Hawk... But I digress, then you have Rose Leslie as Chloe... she's a strange one as sometimes she's great, then at others, a lump of wood. Similar can also be said for Elijah Wood as Dolan 37th (shouldn't that be The 37th Dolan or Dolan 37?). Most of the time he's on screen he gives out an appearance of uncaring. It's like he didn't want to be there. Other than Diesel, the only other actors who do well with their characters are Olafsson as Belial, brilliant as the hulk of a warlock, who is certain of his power and his mission. Michael Caine as Dolan 36th, a cheeky priest who has befriended Kaulder over his tenure. However, it's the direction, the special effects, and action scenes that will keep the audience entertained the most. Eisner is a good director and uses both camera shots, angles, pans, and lighting to his best advantage. It's also nice that he decided to keep the dark subterranean scenes well lit so you can see the action. It's also refreshing that in the action scenes he doesn't always opt for shaky cam. But, uses quick pans and cuts to add speed, tension, and excitement... phew, no seasickness pills needed.If the story had been stronger and some of the characters slightly upgraded it would have made this a much better venture. As it is, it's a leave your brain by the door, magical slobber knocker. Not too bad a way to waste an hour and a half... though if you're looking for original, this isn't it... or thought-provoking.I would recommend this to all viewers who want a not-all-together mindless entertainment. It's a one watch movie.
DBLurker From terrible editing to pacing of the script and scenes, this movie just feels so weird.I liked the CGI. The visuals obviously had a lot of effort put into them and Vin Diesel works fine in his role without overdoing it, but the movie never really delivers on what you're expecting from it (you know, a lot of witch-hunting).The whole world is populated with witches but our hero apparently takes humane approach and only kills those that "break the law" or some rule which you as a viewer don't give a sh*t about. While we're at it, using Vin Diesel as a action hero is fine, but making him deliver lines next to actors who actually act is painful to see (that butler from Batman especially). Also, Elijah Wood's character is just underdeveloped and the movie forgets about it until the "twist" (which won't be a shock to anyone). Personally I think they should've casted someone with more sinister face in his place.Then there are random cuts, which happen because they either re-shot those scenes without caring much for continuity or cause the editor was just high on cocaine. Either way, they are jarring. What is even more jarring is the speed with which the whole plot flows jumping from scene to scene without developing anything lore-wise or character-wise.Movie is so-so. Watchable if you have nothing else to see since CGI and action scenes are well done (though action isn't really that amazing).
Aurora Catrina Westfall Look. I see all these reviews talking about the semi-cheesy effects and the acting.... but seriously?? Vin Diesel is the lead. You knew what you were getting into when you saw this. He always plays the same Bad-A unemotional sort of cheesy character. It's part of his charm. Also I feel the graphics were beautiful without being too light hearted for a movie about witches. The whole plot runs like a D&D campaign, it is slightly predictable-- but anyone who has seen Ridick or any other Vin Diesel based movie should expect that. It's a feel good-fun movie with just a touch of darkness. It's really sad that it didn't do well enough in the box office for them to make a second one, I feel it really had potential.