Cheech & Chong's Next Movie
Cheech & Chong's Next Movie
R | 18 July 1980 (USA)
Cheech & Chong's Next Movie Trailers

Perennially stoned Cheech and Chong tear through the city of Los Angeles, causing trouble wherever they go. After Cheech loses his job, the two pot enthusiasts head to the welfare offices where Cheech's girlfriend, Donna, works. Instead of collecting unemployment, they find themselves thrown back on the streets, searching for a way to earn new income. But when Cheech's cousin, "Red" Mendoza, arrives, things get even crazier.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Executscan Expected more
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
robertmaybeth If it weren't for the many drug references (really just another cinematic device and not really the whole point of the film) this might be considered a decent (compared to indecent) comedy. As C & C's "Next Movie" it marked a fairly big shift in quality from "Up in Smoke". Chong really seemed to have learned his craft in the interim and the pacing and action in this movie are very different (and much slicker).It's hard to describe what this movie is "about" because it's really not about anything - just a simple, but incredibly convoluted story involving one or two days in the life of our heroes, with the humorous addition of Cheech's alter ego, Cousin Red. While Cheech sits home waiting for his date Donna to finally show, Chong and red have an amazing adventure with a bunch of random people they find along the way (and Red's duffel bag filled with 20 pounds of weed - that red thinks is worth "maybe a hundred bucks?" certainly helps to grease the skids). Chong and Cousin Red wind up at a Hollywood hotel, a massage parlor, a rich girl's mansion, a comedy club, and finally roaring off in a vintage Ferrari Dino - to a field to be abducted by aliens. I'm not sure why this rather strange film works, but it does...the world is presented in a light way, the interactions are humorous, the characters are bizarre (in fact, Cheech, Chong and Red manage to come out looking like the most "normal" folks in the story) yet all seem to fit in this strange world somehow. If you like stoner humor, or even if you don't, this movie can be a fun watch if you happen to be in the right mood. The thin line between stupid and humor gets crossed many times in this movie - but there are enough genuinely funny moments to make it a decent watch.
Lee Eisenberg The second movie featuring the stoner duo has them continue their goofy adventures. There are gags with pee, songs, and even a brothel. "Cheech & Chong's Next Movie" is one cool litany of silliness! I understand that a heavily edited version appears on TV; like hell I'll watch an edited version of Cheech & Chong. I want to see those guys do what they're known for, and so I've only seen the full movie. A really funny one.Along with the main stars, the movie also has Evelyn Guerrero, Edie McClurg, Paul Reubens (as Pee-Wee Herman for the very first time) and Cassandra Peterson (sorry, not as Elvira).Yes, it's very much a period piece, but how can you not die laughing at what C&C do?
lost-in-limbo To begin with I usually give out a basic outline of the plot, but on this occasion what occurs is pure incoherent madness switching back and forth without much of a purpose. Nonetheless I'll give it a shot. Cheech and Chong are now sharing accommodation in a condemned building, while their next door neighbour constantly tells them what he thinks of them. While, Chong is lazing about, Cheech has got himself a job and also a girlfriend. But the former one doesn't last for too long, but he picks up a chick at the welfare office where he invites her over for the night. So, Cheech kicks Chong out of the house to have some fun with his cousin Red who's in town. While, Chong and Red are out having a great time; Chong is left waiting for his girl. *Hmm* that was easier than I thought… I guess that's it, well a basic rundown at least. Their follow up to "Up In Smoke" sees the risible doped up duo slumming it out again in some zany comical episodes in "Next Movie". If you're easily offended don't touch it as it hilariously low brow and every scene utilises the chance to make a joke (and that's usually a crude one too). Just expect anything! Well, that is the case since the coarse film is rather plot-less and the side-splitting script rambles on about anything, which means you are assured of many crazy, goofy and implausible skits that hardly tie in together. You'll be in a daze of amusement… and bemusement, which perfectly suit's the pothead humour with the guys cruising into one messy situation after another. Then it comes to a real spaced out, but ultra-cool ending. This outrageously, nutty feel in the last 10 minutes is totally off it's head and it goes on to be more prominent in their even more weirder film "Nice Dreams". It just flies by oh so quickly. Just like the gags do, the characters come and go with one very memorable performance from comedian Paul Reubens as a pipsqueak hotel clerk and another from Sy Kramer as their uptight neighbour Mr. Neatnik. Also there's a very notable cameo appearance from Michael Winslow (Police Academy) doing what he does best. The perky interplay between the individuals makes sure this adventurous trip equals a fun time. The welfare office scene is a real blast and it's always funny how they always seem to pass the incompetent law officers with such ease. Everything just falls into their laps. Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong work of each other naturally well with ace timing as the bumbling, carefree potheads Cheech and Chong. Greatly enjoyable oddball performances from the two. They are what make the film! Especially their love for getting high. Cheech Marin also plays Cheech's cousin Dwayne 'Red' Mendoza with humorous results. The music is hard to forget too with its jazzy soundtrack that's smoking the high life with those pretty hip tunes. I've only caught the first three films of the series and even though I think this one is the lesser of the three (the others being "Up In Smoke" and "Nice Dreams") it still has its fare share of unexpected laughs. "Next Movie" it's pure gibberish with an escalating amount of out-of-it stupidity and noisy gags. Definitely one for the fans or even just for some relaxing dumb entertainment you can't go wrong.
ToyotaSUPRAFREAK This was stupid funny movie.. Cheech and Chong are the dopiest wasted guys ever... i rate this film a 7.. but if you like this one then go see Jay and Silentbob! There funnier and crazier. Now Cheech is a sellout working on kids movies..... wheres chong?