Grandma's Boy
Grandma's Boy
R | 06 January 2006 (USA)
Grandma's Boy Trailers

Even though he's 35, Alex acts more like he's 13, spending his days as the world's oldest video game tester and his evenings developing the next big Xbox game. But when he gets kicked out of his apartment, he's forced to move in with his grandmother.

Wordiezett So much average
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
SnoopyStyle Alex (Allen Covert) is a middle-aged bachelor video game tester living with his roommate Josh. They're thrown out after Josh waste their rent money on hookers. Alex tries to live with his marijuana dealer Dante but Dante is getting a lion. His co-worker Jeff still lives with his parents and Alex has an unfortunate incident with his mom. Alex is forced to stay with his grandma (Doris Roberts) and her two friends Grace (Shirley Jones) and Bea (Shirley Knight). Samantha (Linda Cardellini) is the new executive brought in to launch the latest game.Allen Covert is not a funny performer. Even if you're inclined towards slacker weed humor, Allen doesn't have the charisma to be the lead. The humor is OK for what it is. It has some funny moments but the laughs are limited (unless you're baked).
thesar-2 Funny. The two things that have kept me away from this movie for 9 years are: Adam Sandler was involved (produced) and that dang, disgustingly bad movie poster. I still hate both, but no longer will I avoid this movie.Man, this movie deserves repeat viewings. Maybe a little pot, too. Since I've not done either, I will have to look to the future to correct these mistakes. (NOTE: Once pot is legalized in my state, that is. Haha.) But, from a first time viewer, here in 2015, I did laugh my ass off a few times and when I wasn't, I still did appreciate the film, comedy and direction of the movie. While not the most original movie or concept, it just went with it. Felt real. No frauds, no attempting to be anything it's not and no copying anything else out (before, during or following 2006.) It wasn't just original for being its own movie or script, it was refreshing that almost a decade later an R-rated comedy didn't rely on cheap tricks, raunchy humor, dick jokes for 80% of the film or excessiveness. In fact, there was actually some heart and genuineness to the characters without over doing it.Beyond the praises, and I have plenty, this movie was truly funny. So funny, I had to pause it several times from either laughing too hard and long, or to catch all the insane(ly hilarious) one-liners. This movie was great and I honestly regret missing this comedy for so long. I won't make this mistake again.* * *Final thoughts: You will never see "Starring: Adam Sandler" on any of my BluRay cases. EVER. But, "Produced by"? Sure. Already own a guilty pleasure of mine on Blu: Paul Blart: Mall Cop. I'm pretty sure I'll add this one soon enough.
FlashCallahan When his roommate spends the rent money on Filipino hookers, Alex, a 35 year old video game tester has to find a new place to live. After embarrassing himself in front of his best friend's mother, Alex is forced to move in with his grandmother. Trying to save face with his younger co-workers, Alex says that he is living with three hot women who keep him up all night....And there's a sub plot about him making a game, and the local geek taking the credit for it......Its a Happy Madison movie, so you know what to expect from the start, and you get what you expect, immature characters, stoners, driving monkeys, and random characters.And its hilarious, from beginning to end, and Covert proves that he can hold a film, as well as being endearing, and genuinely funny.Its not for all tastes, and there are people who would probably balk at the idea that someone likes this, but all the characters are great, there are some laugh out loud set pieces, and even though the writers have included the old movie clichés (hot new woman working at the same place, nerd stealing a great idea) they fit well into the film.Its throwaway stuff, but hilarious nevertheless.Treat your inner immature self...
HagenSteele Where to begin....A few associates I know treat this film as if it is some kind of "cult classic", which I mistakenly assumed meant "good".WRONG.I figured as much given the premise, as follows: "A 35 year old video game tester has to move in with his grandma and her two old lady roommates." There isn't a lot of humor to be found in this premise.SADNESS? Yes.Comedy? Not so much.How bad could it be? Bad. REAL bad.Despite the cast doing the best they can with what they had (little to nothing), I find it exceedingly difficult to believe that anybody above the age of 12 could do anything but feel insulted by the ridiculous way the characters are portrayed, and the utter stupidity of the "plot".This is another "man-child" film that attempts to capitalize on the "slacker" trend Hollywood is so fond of, however, it is completely devoid of humor, as I found all the gags to be PATHETIC instead of funny.A grown man living with his parents and sleeping in a "race car" kids bed? Am I supposed to laugh at that? That's not funny. That is sad, pathetic, and the complete opposite of funny, which sums up the film nicely IMO.I stopped watching after about 30 minutes, and highly recommend NOT wasting your time on this one.