3, 2, 1... Frankie Go Boom
3, 2, 1... Frankie Go Boom
NR | 12 October 2012 (USA)
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Frank Bartlett has been tortured, embarrassed, and humiliated by his brother Bruce — usually on film — his entire life. Now that Bruce is finally off drugs and has turned his life around, things should be different. They are not.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Suradit This is another comedy about a dysfunctional family and their decidedly absurd relationships. That much-exploited theme, the somewhat unfortunate title "3, 2, 1... Frankie Go Boom," and the negative reviews almost put me off watching this without even realizing that the wonderful Chris O'Dowd and Charlie Hunnam were involved. That Chris could completely erase his Irish accent and modify his usual comedic pacing added to my appreciation of his talent.Anyone complaining that the relationships between the brothers, Frankie & Bruce, and between the sons & their parents were unrealistic or that the situations that arise were absurd can't be serious. Did you really expect something titled "3, 2, 1... Frankie Go Boom" and starring Chris O'Dowd was going to be a dramatic slice of reality?I admit that I am a fan of movies & TV that exaggerate human interactions to ridiculous & absurd levels … things like "Modern Family" or "Arrested Development" or "Episodes" … but usually expect them to produce at most a few chuckles and smiles. Quite often movies or TV shows that attempt to elevate the mundane to the ridiculous fail, but this movie was truly laugh-out-loud hilarious. The story line, the acting, the pacing were all great. I definitely plan to watch this now for a second time and will probably revisit it again in the future.
SnoopyStyle Frank Bartlett (Charlie Hunnam) is constantly being humiliated by his drug addicted douche brother Bruce (Chris O'Dowd). Bruce films all of Frank's humiliation including an especially sorry episode of Frank's failed wedding. Now in rehab, Bruce continues to film Frank's worst moments as his film project. Frank has an embarrassing night with Lassie (Lizzy Caplan) who has her own nightmare alcoholic crazy father Jack (Chris Noth).Bruce is a douche, and the problem is everybody enables him. It's as if Zach Galifianakis in the Hangover is treated as the hero. I don't understand why Jordan Roberts thinks it would work. And the fact that Frank is so inept makes him look pathetic. He really NEEDS to shoot his brother in the face.I did like the chemistry between Charlie Hunnam and Lizzy Caplan. The scene in the shed was actually very funny and touching. Sadly, the rom-com was overshadowed by Bruce's doucheness. And Nora Dunn is especially horrible as the mom who sides completely with Bruce. OK don't shoot him, just put a bat to his face. At least in the Hangover, everybody knows Galifianakis is an idiot.
Julieallee If you watch this as an "art film" instead of a blockbuster, it isn't a bad movie. It isn't a great movie either though. However, for SOA fans, it is worth watching just for Ron Perlman's performance - which was the best part of the film IMHO - and was by far the funniest parts. Charlie is good too, and as another reviewer said, it is good to see him outside his typical bad boy Jax role. I do think he is a relatable character in this movie - probably the only one really - though his character isn't as fully developed as it could have been. It seems like this was a much longer movie and was cut down...with some of the good parts missing. In the end, the movie had much more potential, but just doesn't live up to what I think the actors involved were actually capable of...it may just be that I don't appreciate the directing/editing as it is done.
Stephanie Angelini It is always flirting with disaster to write a film that dances between a narrative and a film within a film. Once you break that fourth wall you run the Brechtian risk of reminding us that we are watching a film and keeping us at bay, emotionally. But with Lizzie Caplan's seriously brilliant performance from her very first moment on screen, to the disturbingly funny surprises (and images) to a well-crafted script that gives this film its strong foundation, Jordan Roberts pulls it off. OK, he's no Brecht, but he's FUNNY. This is a movie that makes you laugh out loud. It's appeal is broad: young-er and not so young audiences of any sex, sexual preference and sexual identity. Go. Watch. Eat popcorn. Laugh. This is why we all started making movies in the first place.
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