100 Bloody Acres
100 Bloody Acres
R | 28 June 2013 (USA)
100 Bloody Acres Trailers

Reg and Lindsay run an organic fertiliser business. They need a fresh supply of their "secret ingredient" to process through the meat grinder. Reg comes across two guys and a girl with a broken-down vehicle on their way to a music festival.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Michael Radny Australian horror-comedy, 100 Bloody Acres starts off promising enough, but falls flat quickly as it falls into the trap of recycling past material. The film fails at both being a comedy and a horror; being cheap, tacky and clichéd, this film doesn't reach any height that a toddler couldn't.Quite a boring expedition into the 'Wild Australian Outback' with this mock of a Wolf Creek like killer. This film adds nothing new to the genres, whilst also being completely unoriginal in it's approach. Do yourself a favor and skip this film, as I'm sure you can find a better one with the same story.
Michael O'Keefe This Australian horror movie is directed and written by brothers Cameron and Colin Cairnes. Quirky, funny and bloody. Brothers Reg(Damon Herriman)and Lindsay(Angus Sampson)Brown own and operate an organic fertilizer company and are running a bit behind on orders due to the lack of their "special ingredient"...road kill. As Reg is running the roads in search of well, you know...three friends James, Sophie and Wesley encounter car trouble on their way to a much anticipated music festival. The agitated trio have no idea what is in store for them, when Reg rescues them with perverse intentions. It is not hard to convince Lindsay to fire up the grinder, when Reg arrives with fresh stock to complete the current run of fertilizer.Besides being funny, there are enough moments that will have you cringing, flinching and possibly gagging. Laughter and splatter in the right proportions makes for an enjoyable flick...no matter how sick of mind you are. How can the compost business get any more interesting? This horror film is a hoot! Rounding out the cast: Anna McGahan, Oliver Ackland, James Kristian, John Jarratt and Paul Blackwell.
nightwatch4773 ONLY 4 users IMDb for a great indie from down under. Wow, I can't believe that. This film is fantastic and as far as comedy horror is concerned, one of the best. You can rank this one right up there with Society, Sleepaway Camp 2, Some guy who kills people and the very underrated Chopped. Down under have really given us some great celluloid over the last 5 years or so and this film is no exception. The acting is the best I've seen for this kind of film and the special effects are great. 100 bloody acres is a cross between Lunchmeat/TCM and just about any roady horror film of the last 10 years or so but what I loved about this film was it didn't stop being fun. You actually like the characters and speaking of characters Ms. McGahan you are absolutely gorgeous......
JvH48 I saw this film at the Brussels fantastic film festival 2013 (BIFFF). It was announced as a Horror movie, but you are mistaken if you want something sinister. Everything happens in broad daylight. On the other hand, there was sufficient blood&gore to let it fall under the Horror category. Still, I found it more of a Comedy rather than anything else.The plot elements were cleverly employed, like the use of human bodies (from travel accidents, at first) to "improve" the fertilizer that the two brothers produce. They have a lot of success with it, and demand is rising. Due to the latter, any human body that is found along the road that does not move, is carried away without proper medical review. That is where the story starts, soon involving three hitch hikers who pose an imminent danger to their secret operations. They thus become potential ingredients for their fertilizer production process. Though the cutting up of bodies is only shown once and not very directly, you can expect an abundance of blood sprayed around, tainting most of the bystanders who have every reason to assume they are next in line. Those movie lovers fainting on the sight of blood, are better off when they avoid this one.The real secret ingredient of this film, however, is the humor that is incorporated all over the story, and works very well in hiding there is no real story to tell. Things happen in a logical sequence, though, but different from what we expected upfront. That is precisely the most important feature of this film. It is a Comedy rather than a Horror movie, is my conclusion, with the blood&gore only as binding element.All in all, I found this Horror very enjoyable. I usually try to steer clear of blood&gore movies, but this time it is not the central theme that binds the scenes, unlike some other movies with no recognizable story line other than providing for reasons to miserably end other people's lives. In other words, the blood&gore is more entourage here than anything else. The relationship between the two fertilizer making brothers is much more important, as is the hasty and uncoordinated way they try to cover their tracks when the darker side of their business might be exposed. Along the line we witness various ways in which the younger brother tries to show initiative, in an attempt to outsmart his brother who obviously has the lead in everything. And the people who are so unlucky to get involved in their "factory", mostly fail to survive the encounter with all limbs intact, or even to escape alive for that matter. Hilarious scenes throughout, in spite of the darker aspects of the plot.