Adam & Paul
Adam & Paul
| 03 September 2004 (USA)
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Adam and Paul are two young junkies living in Dublin and perpetually on the lookout for their next fix. During their search, they encounter various unsavoury characters and make some futile attempts at petty theft. As their day progresses, Adam and Paul get into a good share of trouble as they do whatever they can to score heroin, eventually running afoul of an imposing thug -- who only drags them into more shady activities.

Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
HottWwjdIam There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Leofwine_draca ADAM & PAUL is one of those zero budget films that turns out to be a lot, lot better than bigger-budgeted fare. It's a quirky Irish indie, doing what ONCE did for musicals for the drug genre if you look at it that way; the sparse narrative follows a couple of low life characters as they go through the course of a day shoplifting, mugging, and indulging in petty crime to get the money for their next fix.There's something fresh and naturalistic about films like this and ADAM & PAUL is indeed a wonderful little production. The simple, episodic nature of the storyline brings this into comparison with the classic 'journey' narratives of old and the characters are delightfully scuzzy, which make the viewing experience all the more fun. In fact, I was surprised at how funny this is for such an unrelentingly grim tale; it's true to life, made with plenty of that Irish charm, so there's little to dislike here. Tom Murphy gives the best performance as the put-upon Paul - there wouldn't be much of a film without him - and knowing the actor died of cancer some three years after this film's release only adds to the bittersweet nature of the production.
Intelligent Reviewing A variant Drug-ee Midnight Cowboy in Rain Drenched Dublin, two dun-fer deadheads work out how to spend the remaining hours in their own personal hell. There's some very consummate acting from the two lead roles,and lots of lovely character acting, an unashamed range of strong urban Dublin accents, some nicely comedic situations and relations, some nice bits of cinematography and some touching moments, worthy of viewing for those accepting of its strong themes of addiction poverty and no hope grime, though there some similarities between this and midnight cowboy, its updated for the modern age and stands elements on its head without too strongly pulling on the emotional levers that are obviously available, and the truth is this story is perpetual and endless, we tend to iconify and re-project that small proportion who win, but the opposite portion are the truer story, the ending was inversed and more modernist and harder to swallow, but true enough to itself. A tale for those who understand the dark end of the street is in nearly every town everywhere.
Tippe I first saw this film a couple of years back and had forgotten the names of the characters (a reflection on my memory NOT the film!). To my delight, I chanced to catch it again on TV this year.Though it may help to have a liberal attitude, it's not necessary to be acquainted with the demi-monde depicted here to appreciate the truthfulness shown in its writing and execution. The dark humour is grotesque and incisive.... and very, very funny.It might be easy to overlook the fact that the Down's Syndrome lad is actually an ACTOR doing his thing (because of the cringe-worthy nature of the scene here), but the incident serves to illustrate in a shocking way the amorality of the world that Adam and Paul inhabit. It's uncomfortable viewing, but its heart is in the right place.That aside, there are more laugh-out-loud moments than the subject matter should hope to muster, and the senses of both pathos and revulsion at the end are masterfully combined. A truly unforgettable treat.
ericalynn1976 I can see where this movie would be rather difficult for people who have never had an addiction of *any* sort to understand. I however have never actually met *anyone* who has never been touched in some way by addiction...too alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping, eating what have you...I was once *very* close to where Adam and Paul were...actually I was *exactly*where they were! Thankfully, for me, my story had a much happier ending then theirs but reading the other reviews it was very clear the people who are empathetic for people with addictions and those who are know who you are! I really think if you can get off of your high horse long enough...a mere 83 minutes! You will *Love this movie*!