High School U.S.A.
High School U.S.A.
| 16 October 1983 (USA)
High School U.S.A. Trailers

Set in a senior high school class, J.J. pursues the girlfriend of a rival from a higher clique which culminates in a race at the end of the movie between the two rivals in this light comedy.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Leofwine_draca HIGH SCHOOL U.S.A. is a lame and tame high school-set teen comedy of the early 1980s, chiefly of interest today for featuring Michael J. Fox before he became famous. This was a TV movie which explains the lack of contentious material - when most films of this genre were full to the brim of sex and skin, this one seems to have been made with kids in mind. Certainly the plotting is of a childish nature, completely obvious, a rivalry between the geeky unpopular heroes and the impossibly cool and slimy bad guys. Fox is endearing to a degree and does his best, and there are some other turns for the likes of Crispin Glover and Anthony Edwards, but generally this one's a bore, and that closing car race is as dull as it gets.
BUSTER KOONS This film is a blast. Because of such a stellar cast, it's far better than you'd expect nonsense like this to be. Michael J. Fox is charming and likable. And Crispin Glover (in ultimate nerd mode) has several memorable one liners. And to this day I'll never forget the character of Bandini. As he's shuffling along complaining about how his toes hurt. And Fox points out that he has his shoes on the wrong feet. To which Bandini replies, "No I don't. These are my feet." Classic!Don't miss Anthony Edwards doing his best Eddie Haskell impersonation - to Ken Osmond, the original Eddie Haskell himself.The cheap DVD is not the best quality. But hey, it should last forever. And it's pretty inexpensive at the moment. Definitely check it out!
hanoi_xan what makes this movie so cool is the 2 generations of teen stars. the students are played by the teen stars of the day like Michael j fox, Nancy mckeon and Anthony Edwards, but cast of teachers and parents include Dwayne Hickman, bob Denver and tony Dow. it's a silly teen romp of cliques and car races, but it's funny and stars everyone. many people went on to be huge stars, so seeing them all here together is so much fun. i first saw this movie at my grandma's house when it ran on cable, and i loved it. i bought it on DVD the first day it came out! stealing the show of course are crispin glover and Michael zorek as girl crazy nerds Archie and chuckie. it's worth the movie just for them. and to watch the freaks triumph, of course.
flight0001 This movie has star power! From Todd Bridges to Michael J. Fox, this coming of age film is a must see for those who like watching famous stars "in their prime." Entertaining and informing, this film possesses a power beyond that of normal cinema.