Too Young to Die
Too Young to Die
R | 26 February 1990 (USA)
Too Young to Die Trailers

An abused 15 year old is charged with a murder that carries the death penalty in this fact-based story.

Alicia I love this movie so much
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
bkoganbing Too Young To Die is an above average television movie starring Brad Pitt, Juliette Lewis as a pair of young killers and Michael Tucker as the lawyer for Lewis. Tucker is desperately trying to keep her out of the gas chamber and the film is mostly in flashback as she tells her story.The film really does belong to Juliette Lewis in a stunning portrayal of a pathetic life. She's 14, repeatedly raped by her stepfather, abandoned by her mother and living on the streets until she meets street hustler Brad Pitt.Later on she develops a relationship with an army sergeant, Michael O'Keefe who has two small children. When their relationship is discovered by the army, Lewis is forced to go back to Pitt. She's full of hate for the world now and acts accordingly.Michael Tucker who was playing lawyer Stuart Markowitz on L.A. Law at the time gets to play another attorney. He wants to help her, but Lewis is too dumb to get out of her own way. Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis got good notices for Too Young To Die and later played the same kind of parts in the theatrical film, Kalifornia.I'm not a reflexive opponent of the death penalty, but applying to a minor and one like this seemed unjust. I think even some of the most hard hearted proponents of capital punishment would think twice about the state executing Lewis.Too Young To Die is a fine film showcasing the talents of up and coming stars Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis. See them in their salad days.
alliesmom97 This has to be one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen in my life. I can honestly say that there is maybe five minutes of happiness in it.Juliette Lewis is cast as Amanda Sue Bradley, a sexually abused and somewhat dim teenager who runs away from home and eventually finds herself involved in murder and on trial for her life. What the movie does make you do is analyze how you feel about the death penalty and when it is or is not appropriate and how much should the previous circumstances in someone's life be considered when pronouncing a sentence. One thing that truly bothered me about the movie was the fact that the character was REALLY portrayed as seriously lacking in intelligence. I mean that in a very serious way--if Amanda Sue Bradley was ANYTHING like she was portrayed here, then I have doubts she could possibly understand what she was faced with. When her lawyer came to see her in jail, her main concern was whether or not he had brought her any "candy covered chocolates." I really wonder if this girl was all there. I've done some internet searcher and not had any lucky finding out how this all came out in the end. Anybody know?
George Parker "Too Young to Die" tells of an attractive young woman of low intelligence who's raised by a degenerate mother in a low class environment and sexually abused by men resulting in tragedy. This unfortunate flick has a story of some social significance but fails to bring it to the screen with the bitter reality, heart and compassion is deserves. Lewis and Pitt offer good performances but the film suffers from melodrama, stereotypical clichés, poor directing, and a mediocre screen play with an obvious made-for-tv presentation. Recommended only for those interested in the early work of Lewis and Pitt.
Adam E When I saw the box at the video store, I thought it was some quiet, independent sequel to "Kalifornia," but surprisingly, it was a wonderful coming-of-age drama instead of a serial killer film, with excellent performances from the always incredible Juliette Lewis and Brad Pitt, and an involving story. Fans of the stars will really enjoy this film. It kept me on the hook and I'm glad I saw it. If you don't see it at your video store, you're likely to find it on Lifetime, which it has aired on.