New York, I Love You
New York, I Love You
R | 16 October 2009 (USA)
New York, I Love You Trailers

New York, I Love You delves into the intimate lives of New Yorkers as they grapple with, delight in and search for love. Journey from the Diamond District in the heart of Manhattan, through Chinatown and the Upper East Side, towards the Village, into Tribeca, and Brooklyn as lovers of all ages try to find romance in the Big Apple.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Vonia New York, I Love You (2009) Directors: Fatih Akin, Yvan Attal, Randall Balsmeyer, Allen Hughes, Shunji Iwai, Jiang Wen, Shekhar Kapur, Joshua Marston, Mira Nair, Natalie Portman, Brett Ratner Watched: 7/27/18 Rating: 7/10 First Paris, Now New York. What's next? Shanghai. Eleven stories hold varied merit, Segue scenes/montages bridge them superbly. Ensemble cast- No talent Shortage There. Pleased To watch Lesser known Directors' work. Rife with irony/perepeteia- Method actress/Painter/Writer's Call Girl Are best segments. A mixed bag, But more Wins. Tetractys poems stem from the mathematician Euclid, who considered the number series 1, 2, 3, 4 to have a mystical significance because of its sum of 10. He named it a Tetractys. Thus, these poems follow a 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 syllable format, with additional verses written in an inverted syllable count. #Tetractys #QuadrupleTetractys #PoemReview #Anthology #RomanticComedy
juneebuggy I liked this about as much as Paris, Je T'aime, which is to say not so much. The attraction of course is the all-star cast involved, its a regular omnibus of talent in a series of ten artsy, disjointed short stories about love and relationships in New York.It's a mixed bag; some good, some boring, some make you think and some are just plain bizarre but none of them are really long enough to matter. This collection didn't leave its mark on me and if there was a bigger message meant to be conveyed, I didn't get it. Mostly it was a waste of time. I guess a couple stories did stand out; Natalie Portman as a Hasidic Jew fantasizing about her East Indian diamond broker, Anton Yelchin's prom date story was good, weird, silly. Um yeah, a big waste of talent. 7/15/14
Curtis Medina I've recently been talking with someone close to me about what "love" really is and really isn't. The thing people think love is often isn't truly what it should be defined as. In the case of New York, I Love You what is presented as the follow up to the uniquely crafted tales of love gained and lost in Paris entitled Paris J'taime (or Paris I Love You) ends up being not so much an American remake as a bunch of immature kids trying to recreate the magic they see their adult counterparts doing. Every tale here is about things related to love, but is actually a diversion from love... the sort of story you tell someone about when you were in kindergarten and you had your first erection... no not love... just a sign that you may be seeking it. While Paris J'taime had tales of actors rekindling their love for each other and the stage OR an actress finding love in the comfort of an unlikely blind companion NEW YORK I LOVE YOU tells the tales of a man's depraved fantasy of having sex with a disabled woman hanging from a tree. It is amazing that the producers let these projects go out "as-is" given how it severely wrecked the franchise, the original artistic premise and seriously made American's look like our idea of romance is children looking under girls skirts. It's low class, amateur hour filmmaking and writing and the only excuse I can come up with is that unlike the first film, which though it had 21 unique world class filmmakers managed to have a congruity to its overall tone that brought it all together, this film seems like a bunch of film students running around on a 48hr film festival. It is a cheap adaptation and I'm sorry to say I saw it in theaters. What can you expect when you have a ton of filmmakers like pop-icon Brett Ratner and actors attempting to be filmmakers like Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansen. This shouldn't be a showcase for new directors... this should be a showcase for world class filmmakers who really know, understand and have proved themselves with a New York sensibility. Where's Woody Allen's contribution? Where is Coppola? Where are the voices of New York, new or old, that could have made this film as impactive and memorable as the Paris counterpart? All together this is an embarrassing failure.
M MALIK i mean it i picked this up at the DVD store it was in Bradley coopers 5 in one DVD collection.its got a huge cast & many directors & teams worked on it.and scarlet directed a scene which they cut it .many stories with different themes they each tell & explain it to the viewer but the minus point begins rising when the screen play changes its game as the stories are hanging in between each director with a story try too hard to mention & give something but fails.and as soon as i begin watching this i saw Maggie q she player a hooker not just saying because i am a fan of her but she really did good action flicks so thought she would do similar.also irfan khan a greatest actor who has to go through this crap,he deserved better other then these two all actors including Natalie port-man cant act and give excitement to audience.overall this film tried to fall in creative art genre with love,sadness & emotions same old style with many directors touch why?only to gain a cult status & some critics might dig it.well i am disappointed in it.for once tell me what did they tell about new york that world don't know something thats not written on internet about it.damn these people.i am not against character meeting then going away but in this case the characters were more like some c grade cartoonMy Rating is 2/10 a good idea not gone bad it was never good it was awful from the start.please don't try hard to show intelligence because all in this end will be left a product built by point is take inspiration its not bad but use your brain don't copy paste even the exact idea i mean if you are giving me a coconut cookie yes give me but put some new stuff into it not just effort.i hope you folks get what i am trying to say