Date Night
Date Night
PG-13 | 08 April 2010 (USA)
Date Night Trailers

Phil and Claire Foster fear that their mild-mannered relationship may be falling into a stale rut. During their weekly date night, their dinner reservation leads to their being mistaken for a couple of thieves—and now a number of unsavoury characters want Phil and Claire killed.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
adonis98-743-186503 In New York City, a case of mistaken identity turns a bored married couple's attempt at a glamorous and romantic evening into something more thrilling and dangerous. Date Night mostly suceeds to Steve Carell's and Tina Fey's charm and chemistry but some of the laughs were a bit of a miss and hit. The cameos were also a bit on and off with me for example Wahlberg was good and so was Gal Gadot but some others? like J.B. Smoove, Mila Kunis and James Franco were weird and not even funny. Overall there are some nice chuckles, 2 great leads and some good cameos but it could have been better to be honest. (6/10)
aaronadoty Too much Wahlberg, not enough Ruffalo and Wiig. Too much Fey and Carrell, not enough Kunis and Franco. This works OK as a modern screwball comedy, but could have made better use of the rest of the ensemble cast. I'd have preferred to see much less of the wooden Wahlberg, and more of Wiig and Ruffalo, whose characters appeared only long enough to serve their sole narrative purpose. Kunis and Franco were similarly wasted, as were Liotta and Fichtner (although the latter made the most of his few minutes on screen, dishing up a nice serve of wacky).
zkonedog For probably the last 5-10 years, I haven't seen a good Hollywood comedy. They all seem to be about gross-out scenes, teenage losers, or awkward sexual situations. Fortunately, "Date Night" breaks that trend by combining two hilarious leads with a genuine plot that can be enjoyed on all levels.For a basic plot summary, this movie follows the exploits of Mr. and Mrs. Foster (Carell and Fey) who (on their one impulse move) steal a dinner reservation from another couple and get drawn into a blackmail plot that has them running all over town looking for a way out.In terms of comedy, "Date Night" hits on all cylinders, thriving on the unmistakable style of Carell. As so often happens in the world of funnymen, Carell may be completely irrelevant a year or two from now, but currently he is golden. If you like him on "The Office", you'll laugh at this effort as well. Tina Fey also shines in a co-starring role, providing a more direct approach to laughs rather than Carell's subtly.What really sets this movie apart from others, though, is its heart. This is a film that can be enjoyed at a deeper level than just laughs. It touches on common themes like family, stagnating marriage, and trying to find that youthful excitement in life. Besides the funny business, "Date Night" will make you both think and feel in equal proportions.Thus, I thoroughly enjoyed this film and highly recommend it to all viewers, especially Carell junkies. It will have you laughing one minute, and contemplating your life the next.
MikeMagi Reading the reviews of "Date Night" here, it's obvious that people either loved or hated it. Put me in the plus column. Sure, what happens to the Fosters (Steve Carrel and Tina Fey) when they use assumed names to score a table in a glitzy restaurant turns out to be dangerous. Maybe even lethal. But this is a comedy, not a slice of life -- and the couple's misadventures as they avoid hit men, crooked cops and their own mistakes is thoroughly entertaining. There's just enough wordplay and action -- headed by a zany car chase through the streets of downtown New York -- to keep things perking. If you want logic, look elsewhere. But I'm happy to settle for some good laughs.