Baby Mama
Baby Mama
PG-13 | 25 April 2008 (USA)
Baby Mama Trailers

A successful, single businesswoman who dreams of having a baby discovers she is infertile and hires a working class woman to be her unlikely surrogate.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Cortechba Overrated
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
SnoopyStyle Kate Holbrook (Tina Fey) is a 37 single successful woman determined for a baby. When she finds she can't conceive, she hires a surrogate Angie (Amy Poehler). Angie leaves her boyfriend Carl (Dax Shepard) and moves in with Kate.I love the chemistry between Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. However I have problems with many of the other characters. Steve Martin plays Kate's wacky boss. He's too ridiculous, and worst of all, he's not funny. Same goes for Dax Shepard. Only his character is a douche on top of it. Even the birthing teacher has a ridiculous voice. The odd couple vibe works great. The best moments happen between those two. They are hilarious together, and saves this movie from a series of stupid characters.
callanvass I thought it was alright, if nothing special. You have two great comedic talents like Tina Fey & Amy Poehler, so it's certainly not going to be that bad. I know it's supposed to be a light comedy, but I did have issues with something. I didn't get enough inkling as to why Tina Fey wanted a baby so badly. We kick off at the start of the film with Tina explaining to some guy on a blind date about her desire to have a baby, but that wasn't enough for me. It also starts off rather slowly as well with a limited amount of enjoyment. Once Amy Poehler shows up it starts to finally kick into gear with some amusement. Amy & Tina just feed off of each other here. Tina plays the straight woman, where everything has to be perfect, whilst Amy Poehler is a scheming buffoon, and both were just a lot of fun to watch, which is why this movie is better than it should have been. Heck; I even got a kick out of listening to Poehler mimic tunes. She is a hoot. Greg Kinnear is not one of my favorites, but he can lend solid support, and he does that here. Sigourney Weaver has a limited role, but adds the class that she always does. I'll never complain when she's in a movie, no matter how big the part is. Dax Shepard plays a good weasel, whilst Steve Martin's role wasn't very funny. It's nothing more than a glorified cameo, and his act got on my nerves quickly. Final Thoughts: Nothing I will ever watch again, but I didn't mind it. It did make me laugh on occasion, mainly thanks to the dynamic of Tina Fey & Amy Poehler (Especially Poehler) Its worth a watch, just keep your expectations low5.5/10
mattkratz This was a surprisingly funny comedy given the premise. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler worked well together in the leads, as Fey is a career-driven woman who finally decides she wants a baby;unfortunately, her doctor informs her that her uterus isn't the right shape for it. After exploring other options (including adoption), she decides to go with the surrogate route, and Amy Poehler agrees. Unfortunately, she is a white-trash loser (with equally bad common law husband Dax Sheppard aboard), and they are more interested in scamming her. Surprises abound. Greg Kinnear and Steve Martin offer surprisingly good supporting roles in this good comedy that I recommend. Even the cover box is funny! Stay with it to the ending credits. I think Amy Poehler's performance is the main highlight.** 1/2 out of ****
yruh I am a big fan of Amy Poehler and I like Tina Fey too, I hope I am spelling their names correctly here because other wise that would be very embarrassing.I thought this movie was very funny in places. It is not Tina Fey's best work but she is still good in this and Amy Poehler is really funny as usual as the mommie to be. I expected more from this movie because of their talent but it is still worth watching for sure and is a good mostly family friendly comedy to watch. The script is a basic comedy script, nothing too hard to follow and a bit predictable like most comedies but still funny.