PG-13 | 16 May 2008 (USA)
August Trailers

Two brothers, ambitious dot-com entrepreneurs, attempt to keep their company afloat as the stock market begins to collapse in August 2001, one month prior to the 9/11 attacks.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Myriam Nys This is a well-crafted and well-acted psychological drama, telling the story of a dysfunctional family and of a young man who is intelligent enough to become really, really stupid. It is also an astute analysis of a financial system in crisis, mired in some of the most egregiously vapid speculation this side of the Dutch Tulip Craze. In this movie there are bubbles bursting all over the place, from the personal level to the societal.Still, the ending leaves a lot to be desired - it could have been a great deal sharper.There is an area where the movie, for all its qualities, falls down badly and that is the use of rhetoric. (I'm using the term loosely.) The young CEO Tom is supposed to be a supreme salesperson, also a supreme bullsh.tter, capable of swaying even the most recalcitrant business partner or client. In fact the words coming out of his mouth aren't all that convincing ; they're not even all that interesting. It's a pretty safe bet that there are falling- down drunk conversations going on in bars right now which contain more invitation or offer more wit and perception. This becomes very clear in the scene where Tom addresses a reunion as a speaker. The sentences coming out of his mouth are basically badly strung together gobbledygook ; and yet his audience listens raptly, as if Churchill himself was giving one of his most rousing and engaging wartime speeches. Credible it is not.
cannonclubonline Many find life like a boat with a sail billowing in the wind. Sometimes, the wind is not there, but for a few, those that can will sail away into fortune. Josh Hartnett's character epitomizes those optimists. We catch up to this wheeler dealer just a few months before the actual huge part of the bubble finally burst starting in March 2001. There was no indication from watching this film that it had anything to do with the times other than the film was supposedly taking place and ended soon before the fateful day of 9/11. This apparently was not mentioned in the film, however, some reviewers tend to connect this film to a procession of unraveling events that seem to showcase the end of our way of thinking (the dawn of a new era).There are many wonderful things that I could say about this film. Some would argue that it's just a meandering waste of time. After watching other films such as Purpose (2003), Boiler-room, and Wall-Street, this film seemed to fit a different kind of niche in my memory. More or less that niche centered around the extreme confidence and undying drive that Hartnett portrayed playing Tom.Whereas the message pretty much comes off the same in the end; a person or company hitting a so-called brick wall or the end of the track right before the train falls off into the ravine. In Promise, the main theme seemed to be centered around John, a software developer who becomes a billionaire overnight when he takes his company public. John unfortunately gets caught up in the fame, greed and power and all the vein distractions that go along with living the new high life. Inevitably, our Dot-com guy must learn what's really important in order to save his invention and company from a hostile takeover. Fundamentally, John learns that love and a sense of purpose are more powerful and more valuable than money.With Tom in "August", you already know that this guy has a sense of purpose but can't really believe that failure is in the picture. Thus, for all intents and purposes, we are taken on a journey into the daily life of Tom to see how he really ticks and what he really thinks. We finally see who Tom really is and how he blames the other leeches for his unforeseen failure. Some animosity comes out when Rip Torn, who plays his father, pushes Tom to the limit of his own inner ego bubble, when he insinuates that LandSharks (the company) is a company of Oreo eating lazy teenagers who do absolutely nothing. Tom views his brother's and his father's ideology foreign and corrupt from his own. That's when the partying pansy pretty passively provokes pity pugnaciously putting punches on his own face by pissing someone he knows off just for the fun of it. This behavior soon carries him to the final seen where David Bowie tells him how the cow is getting ready to eat the cabbage. Bravo performance goes to everyone including Ron Insana who plays himself, Robin Tunney who plays Melanie Hanson, Naomie Harris who plays the on again failed relationship Sarrah, and Adam Scott who plays the brilliant, yet not so business-minded brother Joshua who delivers his down to earth perspective on what's really going on. In conclusion, John Hartnett makes this film totally believable and, hands down, should have put him in the running for an Oscar for his role except that somehow his pervasively pensive prose put people off. Too bad he could never do this again with his own brother was the last thought felt by him but that was alright!
Lea Simpson OK, I have to agree with many people and say that this film was boring and waste of time. I obviously did not see a plot and the story line made no sense. The entire movie was about saving a company... who wants to watch a movie on that? Come on now.. Josh Harnett acted the part real good but the plot goes over my head. The best part and most interesting to me was his relations with Sarrah and when they just vanished her out of the movie there was really nothing else.. That was the only story line that this movie had not some stupid company going down in August a month before 9/11!! Who cares??? People watch movies to be entertained.. not lectured and that is what this movie gave me.. nothing made any sense besides his relationship with Sarrah..
joemamaohio Dot com entrepreneur Tom (Josh Hartnett) has it all: attractive girlfriend Sarrah (Naomie Harris), his brother Josh (Adam Scott) and a very lucrative web business.All of it, however, begins to slowly unravel, and Tom does everything he can to stay above it, but his charm and charisma can only get him so far. Soon he's on the receiving end of failure - his girlfriend left him, and his business is crumbling around him.This riches to rags story would've been better if it...well...had a cohesive storyline. His business starts evaporating without really an explanation, and all the dull dialogue and weak performances only heightened the overall dull aspect of this film.