The Sensei
The Sensei
| 04 May 2008 (USA)
The Sensei Trailers

Lonely gay teenager, McClain, struggles to fit in with his classmates in a small, conservative Colorado town. After he's severely beaten at school, Karen O'Neil, a martial arts Sensei, secretly trains him to defend himself. When the town discovers their secret, a series of catastrophic events unfolds.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Yinka Ayinla I found this movie surprisingly good,Some unexpected twists, rich story line, good acting. This is not a martial art movie, this is a good movie set in a martial art background. Its difficult to decide which is better diana lee's acting or her martial arts both are top grade. Louis Mandylor is quite touching with his role. Generally good acting from everyone. The fight scenes are the most realistic i have seen in a very long time. None of the one person beating up 20 people that has become tiresome this days in martial art movies.It also shows the rich character and morale fiber which is what the martial arts is about not just hammering people to a pulp like MMA tries to portray.
disdressed12 this martial arts film is also a film about about prejudice,hypocrisy,intolerance and violence.those are some weighty issues.and the film doesn't shy away from fact,it wades right into them head-on.there is one scenes that depicts someone being savagely beaten.the worst of it isn't shown,but is is implied and you do hear it off camera.this is no fluff piece bu any stretch of the's well done and doesn't sugar coat anything.but you get to see some touching moments as would be wrong to compare this to The Karate Kid.they do both have similarities but this one has a much stronger message whereas in my opinion The karate Kid was more focused on the entertainment aspect.when you go into his film,expect to be jarred.for me,The Sensei is an 8/10
bnhweston Both my husband and I saw "The Sensei" in Seattle, WA on 10/24/08. We were touched by the emotion in the film and think the casting was excellent. We appreciated that there were parts of the story that were NOT shown and left to the viewers imagination - that doesn't happen very often anymore. We are bombarded with gore and detail - not in this film. The ending was beautifully done and could have even been a bit longer.We also enjoyed the art in the film - especially "Karen's" art. The only downside to this film was that there were several parts that were just too dark to be able to really see what was going on. Some of the outdoor night scenes were especially tough to decipher.Congratulations for a job well done. We will watch for it on DVD.
heatheremurphy I highly recommend The Sensei. I was afraid at first that it would be a cheesy Karate Kid with a gay kid as the lead, but it was so much more than that. The movie dealt with many levels of prejudice, including sexual orientation, race, gender, religion, and HIV. It was touching while sending a powerful message. The depiction of the victimization endured by the lead character was realistic and horrific. Some parts of the film weren't quite as polished and smooth as a major production movie, but it is an independent film. For anyone who has dealt with any sort of prejudice or hatred, this is a movie that will make you feel strong and hopeful. For anyone who doesn't understand what GLBT youth have endured, be it 20 years ago or today, this is a movie that will open your eyes.