Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang
Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang
PG | 20 August 2010 (USA)
Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang Trailers

Nanny McPhee appears at the door of a harried young mother who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war. But once she’s arrived, Nanny discovers that the children are fighting a war of their own against two spoiled city cousins who have just moved in. Relying on everything from a flying motorcycle and a statue that comes to life to a tree-climbing piglet and a baby elephant, Nanny uses her magic to teach her mischievous charges five new lessons.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Twodude Review As I have said before when I review a family movie I look at it in a few different ways; first is it appropriate for my three kids, second is it entertaining to me and my kids, and thirdly is there a decent storyline. In the second installment of Nanny McPhee I believe it hit on all three of my requirements. With the feel of a modern day Mary Poppins, without the music, this movie turned into an instant favorite of my kids, 2 girls and a boy. As with the first Nanny McPhee the messages written into the movie were not lost on my kids so they could again understand the transitions of the characters. Emma Thompson renewed her role as Nanny McPhee with a classic acting approach and that is what this movie needs to stay on point.The cast of the movie has one of my favorite actresses in Maggie Smith; she delivers a part that you would expect from her in a family movie. The five children consisting of Oscar Steer, Asa Butterfield, Lil Woods, Eros Vlahos, and Rosie Taylor-Ritson share a great chemistry. It's evident right from the beginning that this is truly a bunch that needs Nanny McPhee. The pretty and natural looking Maggie Gyllenhaal plays a solid part that is miles away from the character she portrayed in Secretary. As the mother/aunt of this bunch she is not the star of the movie however she compliments the children well. If you are looking for a lot of special effects and CGI this isn't your movie. I would say this movie is closer in style to the Disney based movies of the 60's and 70's; and I am fine with that. The movie is fun and enjoyable and a great choice for any family movie night. Grade: B+visit our site at
Anna Kreiss I sat down to watch this movie with my 7-year-old brother not knowing what to expect having not seen the first "Nanny McPhee." I was surprised about how brilliant this film turned out to be, even though watching it was my decision. For those who are unfamiliar, this movie is about a woman named Isabel Green. She lives with her three children, and her husband is off fighting in a war. When the Greens' two cousins, the Grays, come for a visit, the five children start causing trouble for Isabel. Who is the one to fix this problem? Nanny McPhee.With the amazing cast and beautiful acting, I thought this movie was fantastic. It had the right amount of humor and magic to make everything work. During the more serious scenes (mainly the scene with Norman and Cyril after they receive the telegram), I felt the same emotions as the characters. Though I enjoyed all the characters and cast members, there are a few that stood out to me. Eros Vlahos and Asa Butterfield as Cyril Gray and Norman Green. These two young actors stole the show at most parts! Eros is a great comedy actor, and made me laugh several times. Asa was funny as well, but it was the emotion that he added to the character that made him stand out. Well done to these two boys.I give this movie an 9/10. The ONLY reason I'm not giving it a full 10/10 is because I think that some things could've been explained just a little better (the only instance I can think of at the moment is when the Greens got the telegram from the war office. I knew what it meant, but I'm not sure if my brother did. Other younger viewers might not understand right away. It is discussed again later on, of course). Other than that, I think this movie was brilliantly made and cast and everything. I would completely recommend this movie to anyone; especially anyone who loves funny, clever, and heartwarming movies.
MLDinTN make for an entertaining children's tale. Nanny McPhee is back with basically the same story as before. She's out to help a mom control her 3 kids and their 2 cousins. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays the mom Isabel and pulled off the British accent and plays the overwhelmed mom role quite well. Nanny McPhee enters the picture and out to teach the children 5 lessons to make them better children and more respectful. I thought the tree climbing pig and synchronized swimming pigs were very cute. I wish more silly animals like that had been in the movie. There is a cute elephant that makes some appearances. There is an evil brother in law that wants Isabel to sell the farm while her husband is away and he does some dirty tricks. But you know Nanny McPhee won't let him get away with it. And once again, it's sad when it's time for Nanny McPhee to leave the family and go on to a new one.FINAL VERDICT: Perfect for kids. And entertaining enough for adults.
TxMike Emma Thompson is back as both the writer and the star as Nanny McPhee, but this time hired a director. She "returns" but not to the same family. This is a whole new set of situations.It is during the war and the nice family is struggling to make ends meet and keep the farm while dad is away, fighting as an Army man. Relatives from London come to visit for a while and along with the kids in the family make an impossible situation. Until a knock on the door, and there she is Nanny McPhee, 'small c, capital P.' She is sent by the Army to help, but we know she has certain magical qualities, and rapping her walking stick on the floor or the ground makes wonderful things happen.Maggie Gyllenhaal is Isabel Green, the mother. Rhys Ifans is good as Phil Green, the brother-in-law who is no good, has gotten into debt by gambling, and is trying to get Isabel to sign the farm over to him. It is good to see Maggie Smith, here as Mrs. Docherty who seems to run the local store, badly.I must admit I had lots of trouble sticking with it during the first scenes, in the muddy barnyard, with animal feces everywhere and of course all the kids getting into it. But once Nanny McPhee showed up it got watchable. Still, not that enjoyable a movie for adults. Mostly silly stuff.