| 16 January 2009 (USA)
Drool Trailers

An abused wife's plan to escape her husband goes awry when she accidentally kills him, causing her to split on a cross-country drive with her best friend and his corpse in tow.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
aethomson He uses the N word to refer to the gorgeous AfroAmerican babe (Jill Marie Jones) who's moved in next door. If something bad happens to this guy (Oded Fehr) he won't be getting much sympathy. And he keeps a loaded handgun in the underwear drawer, like this is a propaganda weapons control advertisement. Who's telling the story? - teenage Tabitha (Ashley Duggan Smith) reckons this is her story. As we watch, she takes a crash course in maturity, graduating from obnoxious to tentatively reflective - while her delightful little drawings comment on the narrative.Oklahoma, the territory sincerely promised to Native American tribes - until grass and grain were discovered growing in its dirt and oil underneath it. Rodgers and Hammerstein get an endorsement from the state's PR office, "Drool" maybe not. Stereotypes are tiresome when they're presented as real life, but writer/director Nancy Kissam adroitly manoeuvres cliché into a postmodern cinema language. This is one terrific movie.Tabitha's mother (Laura Harring) dreams of a handsome, charming lover - male of course. Of course? Sweet daydreams are sweet, but soft quivering lips are sweeter. And cosmetics were always going to look even better on coloured gals. Once Dad isn't telling his son (Christopher Newhouse) what a worthless wimp he is, it's time for the boy to enjoy being himself, his real self. Roles are cheerfully upended. It's America, all growed up, and I loved it.
michellelocke007 saw the trailer for this indie flick while watching youtube one night and ordered it through my video store the following day to find out more. since the movie is shot on a shoe string budget the cast is largely unknown with the exception of laura harring who previously was seen in mulholland drive and oded fehr who appeared in the mummy movies. i was kept entertained and amused for the entire duration of the film as it was well written with mainly witty and sharp dialogue from its cast. the story lines mainly concerns an abused housewife by the name of anora fleece who is married to a rotten husband named cheb and has two bratty disrespectful kids. she lives a lonely existence with no possible way out but all that changes when she meets the new next door neighbour who is an African American woman selling ladies cosmetics. the two strike up a friendship and start spending a lot of time together. cheb catches the two in a lip-lock when he comes home un-expectedly from work and goes ballistic, striking anora who winds up shooting him dead. from the there the story gets darkly funny with some strange situations thrown into the mix. i recommend more people to see this film.
steven The previous review seems like it came from a crew member, all gushing with praise for this little movie, but surprisingly, I can't disagree much. I don't know that I'll watch it over and over, but it's certainly worth a view.It's got great performances and dialogue. I didn't recognize any of the cast at first, until I realized the dad was from The Mummy and Deuce Bigalow from about 10 years ago. He was the long haired gigolo with the fish tank in Deuce Bigalow, and one of the best parts of that movie. One odd thing that seems out of place is that the mother has a very slight accent.I don't know that I'd classify it strictly as a comedy, although it has liberal doses of comedy thrown in, often darkly funny.Probably won't get much notice unfortunately, like the film Palo Alto from a couple of years ago. Another very well done movie that nobody has seen.
traiecto Just saw Drool at Barcelona's LGBT Film Fest, and want to see it again. And again. It's a black but light, kitsch without being tacky, comedy.It's hard for all the tough issues it touches, but the director never forgets it's a comedy and sets a fast, fun-filled, intense pace that makes the 66 minutes fly. It's a feel-good, adorable movie, even more so because the humor is intelligent, subtle, and dark, and never goes overboard. Laura Harring's Anora is great. She manages to show the world boiling inside, balancing perfectly the dramatic tone with the funniest of hints and winks.Jill Marie Jones just bubbles; a gorgeous, over-the-top but completely down-to-earth woman that is the catalyst for Anora's breakthrough from a pit of low self-esteem and abuse.Both kids are great, specially Christopher Newhouse who plays Anora's little boy. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD so I can watch it over and over again, and savor all the little details that make this movie one of the best comedies I've seen in a while.
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