Against the Dark
Against the Dark
R | 17 February 2009 (USA)
Against the Dark Trailers

When most of the population of Earth is infected by a virus and transformed into flesh eaters and blood drinking creatures, a group of hunters lead by Tao and his sword chase the vampire zombies to eliminate them. Six non-infected survivors try to find the exit of an abandoned hospital crowded of the infected creatures. Meanwhile, the military is ready to bomb the whole area.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
TinsHeadline Touches You
Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
LeonLouisRicci While Steven Seagal Fans may get Shortchanged in this Horror Movie, Gore-Hounds can get Their Fill of Bloodletting and Entrail Gorging. Seagal Walks through most of the Movie Slowly Moving from one place to Another. He Confronts Mutants Occasionally and Quickly Dispenses of them with a Sword, a Kick, or a Gun, with His Dialog Virtually Non-Existent. But the Draw here is the Martial Arts Experts First Try at Genre Hopping. The Movie is Slightly Above Average for a DTV Movie and Contains Enough Exploitation for Low-Rent, Trashy Entertainment. Not the Worst in Seagal's Fat Period because it is a bit Different and the Make-Up Effects for the Mutants and Their Prey are Somewhat Impressive.Worth a Watch for Gore-Meisters, Zombie Cultists, Steven Seagal Completists, and Low-Budget Movie Maniacs.
nathynmasters-845-608407 I gave this movie a chance. I have to admit I went into it expecting it to suck, so maybe my lowered expectation had something to do with it, but the movie starts off like many others describing the disaster, we meet the survivors and meet Seagal and his crew. We cut between the survivors and the hunters until they meet up. This was actually better than many of the film's he's been in.Much of the issue comes from Seagal being part of an ensemble cast. While he got a lot of the spotlight, the film simply wasn't about him. While he is billed as a lead to help sell the film there's a lot more going on here.So I'm going to give this movie a 7. As an action horror film it was pretty good. Wasn't on the level of some, but it was good. And the creatures are cool too, they're like a mix of vampire and zombie. Seagal and his team do kick a lot of butt, so that can't be the reason as to why so many people hate on this film. I will admit Seagal didn't do a ton of Akido, but the fight scenes are still pretty good.
swedzin So, um... what's new in Steven Seagal's films? Believe it or not, he has a zombie-vampire film in his collection. Released in 2009, and before that we had a pleasure to see some new generation vampire films and TV series... And obviously, Seagal, seeing that his career is fading away, pretty fast with all of these straight to DVD films, I bet he decided to appear in vampire-zombie film to attract audience. But, it's also a straight to DVD film,(with Seagal in title, nevertheless) so don't expect that this piece of crap will attract anyone. Yes, well, being a Seagal fan, I watched it just to see what is this all about... and I was pretty surprised how Seagal films can't go down the drain even more. Seagal is the leader of the special mercenary team that hunts zombie-vampires, or whatever the hell they are... The film reminds you somewhat on "29 Weeks Later"... or something like that, there is this disease that spreads in post-apocalyptic world... it doesn't even look like post-apocalypse, not even by long shot, how did everybody turn into vampire-zombies? But, that's not matter in Steven Seagal film, we expect Aikido from this guy, right? Good, but no Aikido here, just sword waving, slow, monotone posture and no acting whatsoever. Other actors didn't even try to do something out of their performances... we got Linden Ashby here (Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat), who did a lousy performance, you can easily see that this guy's career is fading away too... Keith David is also here, and he was definitively the best actor in the film, and this guy has a powerful career. Plot is boring, action is nothing special... everything else... crap. Don't waste your time with this. Except if you want to cure your insomnia.
Michael Yu Short and simple, it was annoying. A decent movie with some cool camera techniques, but it was un-original and very irritating. The characters were complete idiots. The little girl was annoying, the women were quite stupid, and the men were failures (except for the two hunters). Without spoiling anything, this was basically how it went every time: 4 people are together. 1 of them goes to explore ahead. A zombie comes. The other 3 instantly "run!" without even helping the other person. Oh look, that 1 person killed the zombie, so they can move on. Wait, the other 3 ran back to where they started from and now they're all split up. Too bad.Complete idiots. They deserved to die. By the mid-section of the movie, I was rooting for the zombies. That aside, the rest was okay. Nothing great, but an average movie just to enjoy. Definitely bloody and gory, the action scenes were great, and it had a cliché but watchable plot.All together it's not too shabby, not great, completely annoying, but watchable.