The Unborn
The Unborn
PG-13 | 09 January 2009 (USA)
The Unborn Trailers

A young woman fights the spirit that is slowly taking possession of her.

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
punishmentpark A good start: atmospheric settings, a keen eye for detail (example: the street bucket drummers in sync with yet another apparition of the dybbuk) and a modern fair maiden plagued by something (for the time being) unknown, though we can all be certain it is something evil. Yes, the first half hour caused me no hardship at all - keeping in mind this a 21st century commercial horror movie.(..)The second half hour disappoints. It's dull, predictable (even if the idea of a dybbuk haunting several generations is a nice one) and the horrors aren't very overwhelming (for instance: the scene where grandpa attacks grandma is visually inane).Next up: the last half hour, well, twenty minutes. A(nother) promising idea, but this one gets a mediocre treatment in too little time, with a haphazard twist - didn't work for me.What's left is a lot of run-of-the-mill acting, even if Yustman (pardon me, Annable) is all too easy on the eyes... but from Gary Oldman I expected more. Pluses: the special (creepy) effects, the confrontations between Romy and nasty Matty, and even a big budget can have its advantages: beautiful overview shot of the city (New York, I would guess? Well, no, IMDb tells me Chicago...).5 out of 10.
begob The premise of this is good. The production looks expensive. But it's an overloaded mess that feels far longer than 88 mins.The opening sequence has a creepy image of a bulldog wearing a mask. It was just a dream! So we're straight into Freudian dream analysis. The dream sequences come thick and fast, and it's becoming a chick horror. Theoretical physics raises its head, then a Dan Brownish kaballa text, then the ultimate Jewish horror of a dark secret in the Holocaust.At this stage it's really piling up, but the only menace comes from images in the mirror and a creaky house at night. Oh wait - they convert to literal with the random demon now actually killing people.This requires a lot of exposition, and then unbelievably at about 65 mins there are five pages of dialogue explaining the exorcism. Suddenly there are new characters all over the place, while other characters have long been ditched.And an overblown and cheesy final conflict.The lead actress is a babe, but she's not convincing in close up.
DustinRahksi I thought I recognized Odette's voice, she plays Amata in Fallout 3, some useless information for you. Well this movie sucked so hard in the first ten minutes I had to get a pen and paper to right down all the flaws. The movie opens really fast, you get no character development, no sense of whats going on, they just through you in a dream sequence and let you figure it out for your self. I'll have you know that Odette gets naked, then has a shower, and then has sex in the first 15 minutes, wow this is some serious trash. You could tell it wanted to be rated R, but they couldn't get their way, so they make it a hard pg-13. I felt there should have been more time put into establishing the scenario, rather than cutting all the BS. The characters suck, except Gary Oldman and Idris alba. The dialogue between the characters is pretty bad, and the acting from Odette is garbage. She should stick with voice acting, she can't carry a role by getting naked the whole time. Odettes friend is a complete moron, there is about a dozen things going on about the supernatural being, and she is like it's just a coincidence. The only time I jumped in this film was the stupid train jump scene, you know your movie sucks when you have to scare people with a train. There was one suspenseful scene in the old folks home with the guys head snapping around and then he is crawling around, but they copied that right out of In the mouth of madness by John Carpenter. The best part of this film was Gary Oldman, even though he doesn't have many scenes. Idris alba entered just as fast as he left, what a waste. And the film ends even quicker than it began, leaving you with a bad taste. This film sits at a 4.6 for a reason, it's a mess and I do not recommend it.
trashgang Can someone tell me if he ever has seen a PG-13 horror that works. There are a few decent moments that can make you jump but obviously it's easy to see that it's a PG_13, for example, when Casey (Odette Annable)is going to bed we always see her in the bathroom, in her underwear. It do looks sexy but she never takes off her shirt or even under the shower she never shows anything. And yes, she do comes close to be a Megan Fox copy. I also never saw any blood or gory moments, what it do has is a few jumpscene's and some nice effects.The best thing I saw was an old man turning in some kind of dog or spider (remember Exorcist). Gary Oldman is in it too, so I guess the producers thought they were making the next big thing in horror land. But they didn't. It's easily watchable for kids under 13. Harry Potter has more scarier moments. Too many blah blah and not that much going on except to see Odette's cameltoe, could be scary too...Almost the same story about Jewish ghosts can be seen and better in The Possession (2012). Too much CGI effects, it do has it's moments but it just didn't work out.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5