The Shortcut
The Shortcut
R | 07 February 2009 (USA)
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When Derek moves to a new town and discovers a shortcut through the woods to his high school, he learns about a crazy old man who lives near its path: Legend has it that he abducted a group of teenagers years ago. Ignoring the warning, Derek and his friends set out to uncover the dark secret that's buried deep in the woods. But will they survive to tell it?

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
paulclaassen Crap! I just so dislike films where innocent teenagers are being butchered. With all the false scares and bombarding music telling you what to think, I was inclined to hit 'stop' well before the end. The twist ending is just as bad as 'Identity'.
mfrogers-685-496965 I can only say that I called it from the start. However, to the movie's benefit (maybe) there was a twist at the end. Not that it was interpretable, unless you stretch a lot of information that seemed to be extremely compressed throughout the movie. First of all, if you are looking for gore, this is not your movie. Blood, yes. Death, yes. A lot? No. In fact, the movie seems to focus away from that type of action. Second, if you are looking for cheap thrills, this is not your movie. No shock value, no popping-up-behind-the-hero-value... nothing. There is a chase scene, but not much of one.In fact, this movie seems to try to be more of a psychological thriller. Why family sticks together, perhaps. A brother stands up for his brother, but only to a certain extent. In the end, when the main character sees first hand what happens to families that hide a hideous secret, he still chooses to follow that same path. There is no resolve to this story. No morale. No message. For those hoping for a happy ending: better luck next movie. For those wishing for gore and bloodshed: better luck next movie. For those wishing for a psychological drama: this was a mediocre attempt.
petit76 I did not have deep expectations for this movie when i stuck it in the DVD player. It started like an old school thriller that gives the viewer pretty much the idea how it will develop and run.I expected a better start than a cheap slasher flick scene which tells you how the movie would turn out. The cast is way better than the inadequate story line. Music riffs are well crafted to add more to the fear otherwise it would only fall flat . I can say this is an offshoot of Adam Sandler's motion picture company and i really need to give 10 out of 10 for the photography and the music director of this movie. Picture is worth an ovation. What i did not really understand was why instead of calling the police to track down the house of the alleged slasher guys are trying to break into the man's garage where they find weird things . The cliché is how the cast is trying to scare themselves off backing up the music . btw another cliché is sex innuendos the main characters are having in the car while lurking on the killer. I guess concealment is more important than making out in the car where you are heck close to the slasher . dude watch out he may come and slash you :). another cliché to spoil about is the guys perusing the garage of the slasher almost all through the movie . the director is quite nitwit to use these old school Hollywood clichés to scare the teenager audience . I would not recommend this movie for people who have a lot of expectations from a horror flick . I would be totally bewildered if in one movie the phone signal is available when the victims try to call 911. Almost in every slasher movie the cellphone is used for the despairing feeling the runners hold onto .i am rating this flick 3 out of 10 . Evren Buyruk from USA
TadMSTR This movie was entertaining for the most part. The only thing that could have been done differently is the ending. They really did not need to throw that bit in. I did see some points in the movie that gave the character away slightly. So in a way I almost saw it coming. But after all the deaths that happened there was no point to throw in the last one or to even have that character. I mean it was way too coincidental and was a very weak twist. In fact I created an account here just so I could let people know to expect disappointment. I'm not going to tell you exactly what happened in case you choose to watch this movie. If you get caught up in the action you may not see it coming but there is a point where you know something is going to happen and it does. Other than the ending you may very well enjoy this movie. I would have rated it higher if they left that last bit out.
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