8 Heads in a Duffel Bag
8 Heads in a Duffel Bag
R | 18 April 1997 (USA)
8 Heads in a Duffel Bag Trailers

Mafia hitman Tommy Spinelli is flying to San Diego with a bag that holds eight severed heads, which he's bringing to his superiors to prove that some troublesome rival mobsters are permanently out of the picture. When his bag gets accidentally switched at the airport, Tommy must track down his duffel bag and the 8 heads it contains.

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Python Hyena 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag (1997): Dir: Tom Shulman / Cast: Andy Cameau, Joe Pesci, Kristy Swanson, George Hamilton, Dyan Cannon: This film couldn't be any worse if it was scribbled on toilet paper. Catchy title but for what extent? That there are sick people out there? For whatever reason Joe Pesci must deliver eight heads in a duffel bag to his boss but on a plane the bag gets in the possession of Andy Cameau who is on his way to Mexico to see his girlfriend and meet her parents. Pesci tortures two of Cameau's college buddies while Cameau and his girlfriend deal with the eight heads. Plot boils down to chasing about eight heads and attempting to replace them. Director Tom Shulman seems to be quoting from old style comedies but fails to provide a payoff. A dream sequence involving singing heads is inventive but perhaps another director could have brought greater substance to it. Pesci is a capable actor but his satire take on his gangster roles are hardly inspiring here, and the ending painting him as some sort of nice guy is revolting. Andy Cameau is embarrassing as he and his girlfriend, played by Kristy Swanson run about aimlessly to solve this sick dilemma. George Hamilton and Dyan Cannon play her parents and this is a major step down in their once flourishing careers. Pointless screenplay should be placed in a duffel bag and lit on fire. Score: 1 / 10
classicsoncall I've read quite a few books about the Mafia but I don't recall that bringing back the head of a mob hit was ever a requirement to prove the job was done. I guess you just have to go with the concept here the same way you go in to see something like "Snakes on a Plane" or "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter". The idea is just so far fetched that you have to see it through to see how it all plays out. Joe Pesci is the right guy to pull off something like this, he's a lot like the character Tommy DeVito he portrays in 1990's "Goodfellas". His name is Tommy here too, so maybe he's the same guy, who knows? He's got a scene here that reminds me of yet another oddly titled flick, "Throw Momma From the Train" when he heaves George Hamilton's mother out of the car for being a bit overbearing. Look, no one's going to confuse this with being a great movie in any way but it's relatively entertaining if you like Pesci and his wise guy manner. With George Hamilton and Dyan Cannon both pushing sixty when the film was made, you have to admit they made a fine looking couple. Story continuity takes a bit of a beating as the picture progresses but I don't think that's what one looks for in a picture with a title like this. So don't even bother wondering what ever happened to George Hamilton when the picture ends.
merklekranz Perhaps inspired by the Warren Oates classic "Bring Me the Head of Alffredo Garcia", this heads in a bag comedy has a strong opening, and a somewhat ridiculous finish. The actor's do quite well with what is essentially a one joke movie. "8 Heads in a Duffel Bag" starts as black comedy, but eventually morphs into nothing more than slapstick. The ending at the airport is especially weak, as any idea of how to conclude the film seems to have been lost. Nevertheless, the strong, "dark" first half, along with above average comedy material saves the movie, and compared to some of today's lame comedies, I can recommend seeing "8 Heads in a Duffel Bag." - MERK
elshikh4 The 1930s got many misunderstanding comedies, and the 1960s got (It's Mad Mad Mad World) where a lot of people were chasing a suitcase. Although this movie reminded me of both, but in here it's one hell of an original one where the rhythm is highly hot, the backgrounds are nice, the atmosphere is like everything : masterfully light. (Joe Pesci) is on the top of his game, how he looked so charismatic more than ever, and of course his comic performance is flawless. All the rest presented their best despite that they all weren't as good as the lead. Maybe the music wasn't creative inasmuch as traditional which mostly done nothing but overstating the performance, the ending was that unconvincingly fast, and of course the matter of being disgusting.. However it's the late 1990s ! So after a cinematic history of hunting a duffel with important papers, diamonds, money, or anything polite.. It's about time to chase heads (god knows what could be chased after, but I can wonder !). (Robert De Niro) is being spoofed in here at the scene of (Are You Talking to Me ?), and nothing is odd since (Pesci) spoofed himself in here also where he was smashing any payphone like his character in (JFK – 1992). The only thing to complain about that when (Joe Pesci) is talking about "retirement" afterwards from being a gangster he really did it yet as an actor in real life ! As he didn't make something during the next 11 years except (Gone Fishin' - 1997), (Lethal Weapon 4 - 1998), and a guest appearance in one very short scene at (The Good Shepherd - 2006) directed by (De Niro). The smartest of it all : (Pesci) throws the nasty blabber mother-in-law out of the van over the mountain, it's classical as it seemed like everyman's dream of any unstoppable nagger comes insanely true !, seeing (George Hamilton) without his famous hair at the closing credits, another dream comes true. The musical nightmare of the heads singing a sick version of Mr. Sandman, that summarizes the whole beauty of it. True that in movies' stories nothing is totally original though here the plot definitely was, along with the wonderful condition that this movie leaves you with.