Beware! The Blob
Beware! The Blob
PG | 21 June 1972 (USA)
Beware! The Blob Trailers

A technician brings a frozen specimen of the original Blob back from the North Pole. When his wife accidentally defrosts the thing, it terrorizes the populace-- the local hippies, cops, drunks and bowlers must all face the Blob!

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Anonymous Andy (Minus_The_Beer) Baffling and barely competent, "Beware! The Blob" (aka "Son of Blob") is the belated low-budget sequel to the 1958 Steve McQueen classic that nobody asked for. Directed in an off-the-cuff nature by first-time director Larry Hagman (aka J.R. of "Dallas" fame), the titular ooze makes its way across a small town after being unwittingly unleashed by a careless oil-worker. Corny, hokey and -- as it would turn out -- mostly improvised, it would prove to be Hagman's final film. Watching it today, it is all too obvious why. Within the first five minutes, a ridiculous and slightly meandering tone is set that unfortunately plagues the film until its end. Granted, the film does generate a bit of incidental fun and good humor ("Can I have my lighter back? Can I have my lighter back?") as it plods along, but even the most generous of viewers may have trouble making it to the finish line. The film is low, low (almost no) budget, and the cast is mostly made up of other familiar TV faces/friends of the director. No one appears to be taking the whole thing seriously, which gives the audience permission to do the same. Problem is, you won't have even a fraction of the fun watching this as the cast and crew had making it. On the upside, the blob's effects are (mostly) convincing. Nobody -- neither kitten not cool-cat hippies -- is safe from the amorphous antagonist, and you may be surprised to find that cinematographer Dean Cundey ("Halloween," "Jurassic Park") had a hand in the special effects. Sometimes it appears as if the slimy scoundrel really is covering cars and coming out of sinks, and sometimes it just looks like strawberry jelly smeared across somebody's face. Lower your expectations and maybe, just maybe, you can have some fun with "Beware! The Blob." Otherwise, just give the original or the 1988 remake a go instead.
gavin6942 A technician brings a frozen specimen of the original Blob back from the North Pole. When his wife accidentally defrosts the thing, it terrorizes the populace, including the local hippies, kittens, and bowlers.I'm probably rating this film a little too highly, because let's be honest.... it's pretty bad. The acting is not good, the plot is all over the place. It doesn't hold a candle to the original or the 1980s remake. There is good reason this film has been forgotten by just about everyone.And yet, it is wildly entertaining in its badness. The scenes that run on for no reason... did we really need all the buildup to the hippie getting a haircut? No, but it was great just the same. I watched this by myself and enjoyed it, but I imagine a group of friends and some beer could make it even better.
thesar-2 (Yeah, this contains major spoilers. But, since this movie is older than me and I am older than most…people I know, then it's your bad for not seeing this Grindhouse movie by now…)When I was a kid, this scared the sh|t out of me. I'm talking: I was between 5-6 years old and it appeared on a Saturday morning TV Sci-Fi 12 noon (after the cartoons) program with the name "From Beyond…" or something like that.I invited my mother to watch this movie with me, which she normally didn't show interest, and she was disgusted. Later she told me – obviously being ignorant on who or what "the blob" was – that she thought it would be about a "blob" of smoke or something. Not the red goo the blob really is.To this day, roughly 32-33 years later, I have never forgotten Son of Blob, or Son of the Blob or as IMDb calls it: Beware! The Blob. (To me, it'll always be "Son of Blob" because that's how I remembered it three decades ago.) I haven't forgotten the fright it gave me, the ideas it brought up in my mind on how I would handle such a creature in real life or the nightmares of my daydreams it created.This viewing, as part of my "Last of my Triple Digit Reviews/Movies that Meant Something to my Childhood" series, made me realize only particular scenes, such as the entire opening of a fly, a kitten and two humans biting it, the car being engulfed, the bowling alley "hole" disaster and the final "?" scene, were implanted into my subconscious. The climax, the man with his foot propped up, led to many ideas in my little mind for many years.Oh, this movie's bad. Yeah, the filming, the dialogue, the separate tones and the special effects were all despicable. And that all said, this time, watching it late at night, I was scared all over again. Not because of the content, but because this, being the first time since I was a mere child, reminded me all what I viewed as an infant. Boy, I shouldn't have watched this late at night.I digress; this movie's supposed to be a sequel to the original 50s B-movie The Blob, but in reality, it's a remake. A red "single cell organism" is inadvertently set free and consumes any living flesh it makes contact with. In the set small town, few realize it until it's too late and less figure out its sole weakness.The ending had my young mind spinning into creativity. How would they get the frozen blob out of the bowling alley without it "waking up"? Or how would that man who last got attacked save his life…or leg? Or how would I ever forget the horror this brought to a 5-6-year-old for…the…rest…of…my…life?Overall, I granted this 1½/5 stars because of how bad it is. For me personally, it still scares me. Not enough to ever watch it again, unless I want to, again, recapture my childhood.And that's the way I see it. Cheers!
chadstorm1972 I never understood why this movie gets trashed. For the time that it was made, I don't see this as being a bad movie. This was the first "Blob" movie I watched. I knew about the original, but I saw this one first on a Saturday afternoon movie as a kid and was fascinated by the idea of it. Monsters, most of them, had faces, arms, legs, and mouth to eat you. Most of them could be killed. The Blob can absorb you when it touches you and it only be frozen. And it still isn't dead. The original idea can't touch the blood and gore movies today. Most monster movies today are about psychopaths like, Jigsaw. He would be a 21st century monster. The difference is, you can reason with Jigsaw. The idea of the Blob can never be reasoned with.I've read online that the producers ignored the written script and improvised most of it. Being that it was 1971 during production, it would say its safe to presume that most of the cast was high during the process but given their scenes, they did a good job. I would be very interested in reading the original script and to this day with instant news, the script hasn't been posted yet. WHY? I would love to see what was so different about it and is the version that is seen today better than the script. If the writers have that copy, please post it!! Really! Who's going to laugh? Remembering the movie from when I was a kid to watching it today on DVD, I am quite surprised it wasn't cleaned up a little better. Specifically the scene where the BLOB is covering the road and Gerrit Graham's character drives up on it in his dune buggy and slams into it. I remember seeing it more clearly on TV than what I saw on DVD. Everything is digitally transferred today. Why not this one? I, along with other reviews written, will also confess that Beware! The Blob scared me as a kid. Watching it again made me wonder why. Maybe because of the zoom-in quick facials of Lisa witnessing Chester screaming for his life. I am surprised that he wasn't already dead by the time Lisa arrived. It seemed like it absorbed his wife faster than when it became bigger after absorbing her than it did when Chester sat on it. But, I guess that's the fun of a 70's horror movie. Most scenes didn't seem to make too much sense for movies that were made at that time. I also thought the effect of the barber's arms turning to jello was clever. It also seemed like there were certain shots that the producers wanted for a really good effect. The bowling alley scene was great! In my opinion, it was well shot. From the two mechanics, getting absorbed, to the manager and security guard being pulled into was frightening to me. I truly believe that a scene where you don't see the person getting eaten or hacked up leaves much to the imagination to make it scarier. That was the charm of the Blob movies. The 1988 remake didn't quite capture that, albeit it wasn't a bad movie either.When the Blob turns its sights (if it has eyes) to the ice rink, again here is a scene where the producers had to improvise. You can clearly see that a big red balloon was inflated when it covers the door entry and the man trying to get through is assumingly eaten. Even when Bobby is climbing the rope to turn on the pipe freezing system, when the monster gets angry and tries to pull the DJ booth from the wall, you can tell there was a sheet covered in silicone waving. For all of its campiness, it was a great movie.I never did quite get the whole "Plan B" scenario to the sheriff. I also read that someone remembers seeing a scene where Dick Van Patten's character is seen on screen getting attacked from another version of the film that was played on TV. I would be curious to see this. I'm sure you don't literally see the scoutmaster getting attacked, because with the exception of a few key scenes in the film, no one is really scene getting attacked by the BLOB. Just lots of screams.Recently, a trailer finally surfaced. If that surfaced, where are the deleted scenes and where is the commentaries? That's my only real gripe when it came out on DVD. It was released to appease the genre and most of the actors, including Larry Hagman, laugh this movie off. Why? This was not a bad movie. I know some of the actors are dead, and the "Sheriff" committed suicide, but someone i.e. Lisa and Bobby, should have done a commentary track. It is still a fun to watch movie. I just watched it again and I'm sure in a few weeks I'll watch it again.Well, I do hope that one day a better version of this DVD will be released and one of the actors or Larry Hagman himself, will come forward and discuss scene by scene what was going on during filming and if anybody has the original script, please upload it.