The Haunted Palace
The Haunted Palace
NR | 28 August 1963 (USA)
The Haunted Palace Trailers

A warlock burned at the stake comes back and takes over the body of his great grandson to take his revenge on the descendents of the villages that burned him.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
ben hibburd The Haunted Palace Is directed by legendary B movie film-maker Roger Corman, and Is written by Corman's long term collaborator Charles Beaumont. The film Is an adaption of a novella by H. P. Lovecraft and and It's title taken from a poem by Edgar Allen Poe. The Haunted Palace tells the story of a necromancer named Joseph Curwen(Vincent Price). After performing a strange ritual on a young girl, the local townspeople accuse him of being a warlock. He Is then burnt alive by the villagers of Arkham. In his final moments Curwen vows to return and exact vengeance upon the townspeople, and places a curse on them.One hundred and ten years later his descendant Charles Dexter Ward(Vincent Price In a duel role), and his wife Ann(Debra Paget) arrive in Arkham after Inheriting the palace of Joseph Curwen. During their stay Charles begins to fall under the control of Josephs spirit, and begins to replicate his ritual of summoning a Demon with the use of the Necronomicon.I watched the Arrow Video blu-ray release, and they did a marvellous job of restoring the film, the picture quality breathes new life Into the film. The set design Is a fairly standard B movie Gothic town, but one that has a lot of charm, and has a good atmosphere In the fog ridden town, that Is plagued with fear and animosity from the malformed residents that have been effected by Curwen's curse.Vincent Price gives a fantastic commanding performance, which at times can feel a bit stagy, but works well when he's portraying two different personalities. The good direction from Corman never allows for any confusion as to who's currently inhabiting Wards body at any given time. Debra Paget also does good work In her final film role as Wards wife Ann. She becomes more robust, and hands on, In finding out what's happening to him as she notices the change In him. Paget along with Price bring a level of class to a film that could easily of felt silly. The film Is also helped along by good supporting performances from Lon Chaney Jr. as the Palace's caretaker, and Frank Maxwell the town doctor that helps Ann Investigate the strange occurrences.The film also contains of the best scores Iv'e heard from a Horror film. It's orchestral style waltz Is used to great effect. The only real complaints I have with the film was that despite It's excellent build up the film fell a bit flat In It's third act. Also despite this being a Lovecraft adaptation we only get one quick glance of the demon that was being summoned. This plot line was disappointing, It felt rushed and In the end was completely Inconsequential. For the most part this film worked better as a straight up revenge film, as Curwen begins bumping off the townsfolk. There Is a-lot of fun to be had with The Haunted palace, It's just a shame It's let down by the screenplay which had a- lot of potential but doesn't go anywhere with the more interesting supernatural elements.
Daniel Simpson I love Vincent Price movies. I also like 30's-80's horror/sci-fi films in general (and a few more modern ones, but not so many!). only recently did I start to look for VP films / Roger Corman movies I had not seen and try and watch all of them.This one came up relatively late in my search - and I found that surprising because it is so damn good!Other reviews cover the detail, so I will just say - if you like VP and Roger corman movies - this is heaven. If you thought 'The Pit and the Pendulum' was good then you are bound to love this movie - it is at least as good, and I really love P & P, so I would not grant a film similar status lightly.D
christopher-underwood Somehow I have managed to never having seen this film before and actually found it quite difficult to get hold of a copy in the UK. In the end I sourced it in the Czech Republic and it came very quickly, complete with Christmas gift packing and helpful English translation of the set up screens to enable the removal of the Czech subtitles. That was all good fun but as soon as the film started I had feelings of deja vu as lightening crashed across the screen, dry ice lingered in set built forests and the locals were out with their burning torches. A bit unfair, because much of this is very well done and such things have, of course, only become clichés through over use but this is 1963 not 1933. The performances could have been improved upon, I felt, for whilst Vincent Price is sensational in the lead and Lon Chaney Jr, fine as a side kick, Frank Maxwell makes for a very dull doctor and Debra Paget is most uninspired. Hammer would have brought a little more out of her, I'm sure. If only there had been a single scene as good as the poster.
dutchchocolatecake This movie pays homage to the classic horror writers of old. Not quite Lovecraft, not quite Poe; this movie creates a unique story that borrows a bit from both.The acting is excellent, and the plot and characters are well written. The special effects are pretty good for the time period this movie was made, and the "less is more" approach" worked to a great advantage here. It is so refreshing to watch a movie that actually relies on good storytelling and competent actors; rather than distracting visual effects. Too often movie makers attempt to dupe the audience by replacing substance with style; which imo is a backhanded insult to the collective intelligence of the audience. You do not have to be a Lovecraft or Poe fan, nor do you have to be familiar with their writings to enjoy this movie; which is a huge bonus. Vincent Price delivers once again in a timeless masterpiece.