A Simple Twist of Fate
A Simple Twist of Fate
PG-13 | 02 September 1994 (USA)
A Simple Twist of Fate Trailers

When Michael McCann is thrown over by the woman he loves, he becomes something of a misanthrope and a miser, spending all of his spare money on collectible gold coins. Living in the same town is an affluent family with two sons: John and Tanny. Tanny's a wild boy, whom John cannot control, and one night he breaks into McCann's house, and steals the gold and disappears, which nearly confirms McCann's distrust of mankind. But then, a mysterious young woman dies in the snow outside McCann's house, and her small daughter makes her way to McCann's house and into McCann's life and heart.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Micitype Pretty Good
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
studioAT I enjoy the work of Steve Martin, so this was a film I was looking forward to watching this film.Sadly though, it's not worth the time. It's slow, it's overly sentimental and all in all a simple waste of time.Steve Martin can do all out laughs, he's shown that in films like 'Bowfinger', he can also do quietly comedic roles like 'Shop girl'. However this one seems to be neither. His character is dull and the moments where he does try and be funny seem more odd than funny.We are introduced to unlikable character after unlikeable character and in the end you wonder where the 'comedy' in this touted comedy drama have gotten to.Overall - poor.
mulierose As we all know, the real book, "Silas Marner" was first published in 1861 by "George Eliot". Well, in the time the book was published, women weren't "supposed" to write books like this. George Eliot's real name is Mary Ann Evans 1819-1880. Her understanding of the "Human condition" and the effects of loneliness on a person are greatly adapted into the book. If you read the novel, even though the wording of the book is different than modern English, well... that's part of the charm of the book. It takes you into a time when that's how they spoke. When considering the era of the book, and once again the adaptation of the movie "A Simple Twist of Fate", I believe that Steve Martin did an excellent job. Although... there's no substitution for the original work.
wildferalfemme This movie was a real disappointment. Steve Martin did okay in the lead role about a man whose wife tells him that their unborn child belongs to another man and they divorce and he becomes a recluse who drinks and counts his gold coins...but it was hard to see past the many years of outrageous comedy Martin did to take him too seriously here. The acting and dialogue were just awful. Linney and Bryne were wooden and lacked any depth whatsoever and I didn't care about anything that happened to them. The little girl, who rarely uttered a word (which seemed a bit unrealistic for any child)was played by so many child actors it was hard to tell it was even the same character in any particular scene. Overall it was mediocre and I would not recommend it.
drcmart I hate to burst some of the viewers high opinion of Mr. Martin's writing prowess, but the fact is that this story was written in 1861, London by George Eliot which, by the way was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans. All Mr. Martin has done has changed the names of the charters, their occupations, and set it in America. At the end of the movie is a fleeting credit to the original author, however I fear most folks don't take the time to read those. I think if credit had been given in the start, for instance, adapted from an original work by George Eliot's Silas Marner, by Steve Martin would have been the honorable thing to do. I highly recommend the book, although the movie is done well, the original telling of the story is that much better. Read people! Your letting Hollywood do your thinking.