Down to Earth
Down to Earth
PG-13 | 16 February 2001 (USA)
Down to Earth Trailers

Struggling comic Lance Barton knows what it's like to die on stage. But when his life takes an unexpected turn - straight to heaven - Lance is sure there's been a mistake. Miraculously, he's right! An angel tells Lance he was taken prematurely but assures him he can be returned to Earth - in the aged body of a ruthless white billionaire. In this improbable reincarnation, Lance begins a hilarious quest to realize his showbiz dream...and, along the way, discovers the person he never imagined he could be. Chris Rock delivers a first-rate performance in this romantic comedy remake of HEAVEN CAN WAIT.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Luecarou What begins as a feel-good-human-interest story turns into a mystery, then a tragedy, and ultimately an outrage.
skane110-1 This movie is really awful. I first saw it in a theater when it was originally released during the big Chris Rock craze that was going on at the time. I was a big fan of his comedy and liked him a lot.I was very disappointed by this movie and wanted to walk out several times. It's bad for many reasons but, the main one is that it's just not funny. This movie is supposed to be a comedy but, there are very few jokes, even in the scenes that contain stand-up. The makers of the movie also missed a lot of opportunities to add funny scenes. Throughout the majority of the film, Chris Rock's character is dead and his soul is inside the body of an older, white guy. Throughout these scenes, we see Chris Rock, and not the white guy which is fine but, we should see the white guy a lot more, especially since that's how everyone else sees him. We only see the way he looks physically a few times and only for a couple seconds each time. There is one scene where the main character is listening to a rap song and starts singing along to it. We see the white guy for a second and it's funny since you wouldn't expect to see someone like that singing along to rap, right? But, we see him so quickly that, the joke isn't even given a chance to exist. The makers of the movie seem way too concerned with having Chris Rock on screen as much as possible.Then there's the ending. I don't want to give away too many details for those who haven't watched the movie but, it's one of the weirdest and flat-out disturbing endings to a movie that I've ever seen. I think viewers are supposed to be satisfied with it but, I don't see how that's possible.I really don't understand how anyone can watch this movie and enjoy it. For anyone who is planning on watching it, please don't. Unless you're one of those people who enjoys watching bad movies in order to make fun of them. In which case, you'll definitely enjoy this one and you'll have plenty to make of fun of here.
slightlymad22 An aspiring black comic (Chris Rock) gets a second shot at life, as an unlikeable rich white man, after he is mistakenly taken before his time. I can't complain too much about this movie. Snore through it, maybe, but not complain.Some of it is so ludicrous I wondered whether it was originally conceived as a spoof comedy. Like young activist, Regina King falling in love with the old white guy, and constantly talking about something in his eyes!! We never see her kiss the old guy, it's only Rock we ever see her kiss. English Man Mark Addy turns up as an American pretending to be an English man, Gregg Gurman of Ally McBeal fame is also here, as is Chaz Palmentari and Eugene Levy. But they are all wasted.See it on the peril of death by boredom.
egypt_lover01 First off, I would like to say that I am a fan of Chris Rock. I like his other movies, but this movie is just like my summary. The Biggest Sack of Crap ever. In the beginning, Chris Rock plays an aspiring comedian who get stage fright at a Comedy Building called the Apollo. On his way home from a gig, while riding his BIKE he sees this woman he likes and is hit by a Truck. A little while later, he chooses the body of an old, white, and selfish millionaire. Then, he dresses up like the music group Outkast while trying to replay the scene from the original where he comes out as a Jockey. Second, he goes back to the Apollo, and tries to be the comedian he tried to be in his previous body and starts dissing the white population and tries to be black. Do you get my drift? This movie is awful it tries too hard to be like the original and in the process comes out looking like a sack of crap. Just take my advice, don't even watch this movie.
ranman-5 Chris Rock is untouchable as a stand-up comic. But as a movie actor his talents leave much to be desired."Down to Earth" is a great example. There were scenes in this movie, when played back, where Mr. Rock can be seen looking at cue cards.That, plus his stilted performance and the lack of interaction with the other cast members.What would have worked better is if the white guy playing Wellington had been seen more using Mr. Rock's voice and mannerisms. That would have made for a more entertaining film.What Mr. Rock should consider as his next movie project would be a recording of one of his concerts. That is where his great talent lies.Mr. Rock, for everyone's sake, please leave movie acting to the professionals.