Before Night Falls
Before Night Falls
R | 03 September 2000 (USA)
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Spanning several decades, this powerful biopic offers a glimpse into the life of famed Cuban poet and novelist Reinaldo Arenas, an artist who was vilified for his homosexuality in Fidel Castro's Cuba.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Kirpianuscus a film about freedom. about art. about forms of resistance against a dictatorship. fascinating, dramatic, being more than an admirable biopic. because it has two great virtues - splendid performances and a director who see each detail of a large manifesto about values and about the need to be free. Javier Bardem does an impeccable role. not surprising. only fascinating exploration of a fight who seems be impossible. because "Before Night Falls" has the chance to propose not exactly a case but the essence of what defines an artist, the fear of a regime who understand the difference as danger, the force of friendship and the moral victory relevance. a splendid film. as useful testimony.
wes-connors Julian Schnabel's "Before Night Falls" initially impresses as an extraordinarily photographed film, by Xavier Perez Grobet and Guillermo Rosas; their use of color is especially beautiful. For someone unaware of the subject (as I was), the narrative is sometimes confusing. The film is a biography of Cuban poet Reinaldo Arenas (1943-1990), who is played by Javier Bardem. Mr. Bardem's characterization is about as convincing as they come; he gradually "paints" his role into your viewing consciousness. And, he carries the story through some rough waters. His performance is definitive "Best Actor" material. Also, watch out for Sean Penn, under hat and make-up, as he gives young Reinaldo a lift, after the boy leaves home. Later on, during a prison sequence, Johnny Depp essays a couple of amazing characterizations, as "Bon Bon" and "Lieutenant Victor"; Mr. Depp's acting, and his decisions regarding his successful career, are quite admirable. Handsome Andrea Di Stefano (as Pepe) and handsome Oliver Martinez (as Lazaro) are among Bardem's "Best Supporting" boyfriends. In sum, Mr. Schnabel, Bardem, and the photographers deserve accolades for this good nightfall.Additionally, investigate writer Reinaldo Arenas (as I did): "I am that child of always / Before the panorama of imminent terror / Imminent leprosy, imminent fleas / Of offenses and the imminent crime / I am that repulsive child that improvises a bed / Out of an old cardboard box and waits / Certain that you will accompany me…" ******** Before Night Falls (2000) Julian Schnabel ~ Javier Bardem, Oliver Martinez, Johnny Depp
edwagreen A wonderful interpretation of the late Cuban poet Reinaldo Arenas by Javier Bardem makes this film worthwhileIt appears that this great writer was just destined for a life of tragedy.From the time of living with an outrageous grandfather to his university years followed by enthusiasm leading to disgust with the Castro Administration, Bardem has the right appeal as the intellectually vulnerable youth who chose homosexuality as his way of life.From the time of trumped up charges against him for allegedly molesting a youth, it was all down-hill in his life with his eventual escape to New York followed by a fatal illness.This film reinforces the idea of the closed society of Cuba's Castro.
johnny-08 A few days ago I bought "Before Night Falls" for only €5. I'm big fan of Johnny Depp and that was the main reason why I bought this movie, even tough I didn't know anything about it. I watched it yesterday and I must say that this one is very good movie."Before Night Falls" is a story of Reinaldo Arenas, Cuban poet. It follows his life from childhood in Cuba to his death in New York. Arenas was also known for his open homosexuality; that mixed with his writing was a main reason why he was enemy of Castro's revolution. This movie is his story, his biography.Julian Schnabel is the main reason why this movie should be watched. His way of direction is amazing, and this was his second movie. My applause to you, Mr. Schnabel. What you got to have when your making a biographical movie is inspired leading actor. Schnabel choose Javier Bardem and he didn't make a mistake. Lots of people know, and started to appreciate him because of his role in "No Country for Old Men"; but Bardem's career is full of amazing roles. "Lunes al sol, Los", "Mar adentro"... Really great Spanish actor. I just cannot skip Depp. He again created characters that are great. He's here in a double role and he's memorable as Bon Bon/Lt. Victor. Olivier Martinez, Andrea Di Stefano, Michael Wincott are good and there is Sean Penn in a cameo role at the beginning. "Before Night Falls" is simply great movie of Schnabel, with strong Bardem's performance. Watch this biographical story about brave Cuban poet Reinaldo Arenas, who had to pass through a hell just because he was different then others.